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The Seven: Origin

The mythology of The Seven is as follows: Ostia is the sky personified, a truly ancient being whose life began long before the planet's. Kolif was born in the magma at the planet's center, and the two met and were married long before the other gods existed, when Kolif burst from a volcano to touch the sky. Together they conceived the sun and stars, but they didn't become gods because Kolif refused to name them; grief-stricken, Ostia spent millenia gathering up every star and giving it a name. Without both of their parents' blessings, the stars could not become gods, but instead became angels and other celestials. Kolif was furious when he discovered that Ostia had gone behind his back and named the stars, and he scorned her, retreating back beneath the planet's surface. As a result, the surface finally cooled enough to harden from molten lava into solid rock. Ostia cried bitter tears over her abandonment, and where they fell on the planet's surface, they pooled into the oceans. To comfort her, Ostia's children blessed the planet with life, and new organisms began to sprout up in the land and sea. Yenid and Nairi were born when the first living creature that walked the planet drew its last breath. The two newborn gods both reached out to grasp the creature's soul, and in struggling for it, they tore it in two; so Yenid took the portion of the creature that was arrogant and violent, and Nairi took the peaceful and restful part. With the first creature's soul, they crafted the two realms of the afterlife, like two sides of a coin: Yenid crafted Vek, the land of triumph and glory, and Nairi crafted Aien, the land of dreamful rest. For thousands of years, the two brothers ruled together over the afterlife, although Yenid soon began to covet his brother's side of the afterlife...   In Kolif's continued absence, Ostia took it upon herself to take the new gods under her wing, teaching them to cherish their subjects and steward their domains with care. But one day while exploring the planet, Yenid found a volcano buried deep beneath the sea, and there he met Kolif, who poisoned his mind against Ostia. So while Ostia and Nairi continued to grow closer, Yenid began pushing away Ostia, and after a time, his brother as well. After some millenia, Yenid was all but estranged, and Ostia and Nairi fell in love and had a child; this time, Nairi agreed to name him with Ostia, and so the Fifth god was born: Fen, the moon.   Yenid told Kolif of the child, and in his anger, a giant volcano erupted in the ocean, marking the return of Kolif to the surface world. Plotting his revenge against his wife, Kolif convinced Yenid to kill his brother and take the whole afterlife for himself. Yenid attacked the couple and their newborn baby in the dead of night, wielding a shard of Vek as his weapon. Nairi reached for a shard of Aien to protect his family with, and when the two shards clashed, they tore a hole in the world that became the Sixth god: Evesk, the goddess of balance, of beginnings and ends. Disgusted by the senseless violence that created her, Evesk shunned the other gods, choosing instead to walk Archia disguised as a mortal woman.   While Evesk was wandering Archia, she befriended a clever bird that she took with her everywhere she went. The bird fell in love with Evesk, but knew Evesk could never return its feelings as long as it was a bird and Evesk was a goddess; so, it left and found a witch that it convinced to tear its soul in two, just like the first creature, and plant one half in a soldier and the other in his sick wife. When the two humans died, one half of the bird's soul went to Vek and the other half went to Aien. Yenid and Nairi were each perplexed to discover the half-soul in their domains, unrecognizable as a bird but nameless because it had never been human. Each half of the bird's soul convinced the god of its afterlife to name it; and, having been named by two gods, the Seventh god, Fleur-Ek, was born. They became a messenger between the two afterlives, but they also made time to visit Evesk in Archia, and the two soon fell in love.

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