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Life inside the mountain may be tough for any living thing, but the lava oozing walls are the only place Gildirian people wish to live. Shaped from their various troubles it is hard to find a disaster the people of Gildgolir haven't faced, making them some of the hardiest fighters and most unforgiving folk around.


Gildgolir is an extremely structured nation with a respected hierarchy within it's people. The King is decided by election of the greatest blacksmith after the death of the previous King. A King can only be removed from his throne when his blacksmith skills are not up to leadership standards. Under him lie a council of elder smiths, and this council although sacred and wise, is sometimes argued to have the real power within the Gildgolir hierarchy, due to the council being the official decision on whether or not a King is removed. Any of the Gildirian folk without government power are miners, lumberjacks or blacksmiths. Of those the lumberjacks are seen as the lowest, usually prisoners or exiled folk from surrounding areas, and their only purpose is to find wood suitable for the handle to weapons. Miners although not much lower than blacksmiths are easier of a profession to handle, their duty is to find only the best metals for the blacksmiths to work with. Finally blacksmiths are the highest of the commoners; seen as almost noble, only the finest smiths are chosen to work the forge, those who do not preform well are sent to the mines to carry out less difficult tasks.

Public Agenda

The goal of the Gildirian people is to keep strong allies, if they supply their allies with proper weaponry they will in trade protect them from any sort of threat. An important feat to be a successful Gildirian is to put hard work into everything that is done, if this is not carried out then it is seen as a disappointment to the elder council which in turn can get you exiled or imprisoned.


Silver, gold, iron, bronze, copper, and basically any metal of the imagination can be found in Gildgolir, these are all used to make the finest weapons for allies and themselves. Troops are not what the Gildirian people are known for, but when in need of action any citizen knows how to fight making Gildgolir the ultimate flood of mercenaries. Research into new naval ideas have made Gildirian people much more known, and although not all of their ships are made for combat, the ones that are, are heavily armed with ballistas and spears, making it tough to fight close and far. Fortifications are perhaps the strongest thing this country has to offer. Most of the residents live in the northern mountainside so it would be easy to group everyone up and hold fortification on the mountain where the forge and the food supply is.


Long ago Thermat Battlehand migrated from the woods of Oneida, just east of current Gildgolir, and established a settlement at the base of a tall mountain. His prophecy foretold a forgery worthy of gods lying before him, and before he knew it his settlement had turned into the greatest blacksmith forge the world had ever seen, carrying on this same legacy with the same rules centuries later.

Willpower forged from iron and strength of a mighty hammer, we shall fight in the name of Gildgolir


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