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Khukris is a monster who is said to inhabit the highest peaks of the Wynburn mountains. At 165 feet in height and 285 feet in length, it is a gargantuan beast, only able to remain hidden due to the huge mountains which it lives in. The accounts of Khukris can be up to hundreds of years old, mostly written in the form of poetry. However, there are sighting of the beast written about in some historical manuals. Khukris is covered in bluish-white fur, though is is surprisingly short given the wintry conditions he lives in. It is said that a single hair off of his body contains unimaginable magical power.   Everything about Khukris seems to be made for the purpose of killing. He has sharp black claws on each limb, and combined with his extremely muscular limbs, are said to be able to rend mountains if he wanted to. His head is similar to that of an apex predator like a bear or wolf, with some notable differences. Plates of exposed bone defend the most important parts of the head. In addition, the jaw is extremely long, making it so that Khukris may open his jaw especially wide. Huge spines cover his back, not only defending him from attacks from behind but also adding to his intimidation.   As if his physical features didn't make him fearsome enough, he is also surprisingly intelligent and able to use magic. He can shoot a beam of ice cold energy from his mouth, freezing anything in its path. However, he specifies in illusion magic. Most notably, he can completely warp reality around him, shifting the terrain using it to his advantage in fights. Only those with the greatest mental strength and perception can see through his tricks.   One of the greatest questions in regards to Khukris is how he is able to sustain himself, being so huge. The common belief is that although he does sometimes eat animals for additional energy, he draws most of his power from something else. Perhaps a celestial object, ethereal energy from within Earth, or even a god. Nobody really knows.
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