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Merit Papers


The papers magically keep track of every achievement the owner makes. These papers are used to identify citizens of Aumertia and how much they are worth and what writes they are entitled to.

Document Structure


The Mert papers are broken down by four major sections, the individual's merit, an image of said individual and description, the merit of their family, and the list of all achievements made by the individual.


The merit papers are used to judge the worth of a person. Those with more merit are treated better under the law then those with no merit papers or low merit.


Gelson's First Decree, Aumertia Civil Law 79, and Holy Statment 196.9 of the Duwor Church.

Publication Status

This document is held by each family and individual who is a free citizen of Aumertia. Copies of each individual and family's merit papers can be found at every major court and public library.

Legal status

Legal form of identification for citizens of Aumertia and tracker of their mert.

Historical Details


Aumeritans believe that the papers are necessary since Gelson created the first set for his descendants. Who later made papers for the citizens of their country.

Public Reaction

This is an accepted part of aumertian culture to the point that they believe those without merit papers are less trust worthy.


Is the length of the individuals life.
Identification, Civil (Passport/ID Card)
Signatories (Characters)
Signatories (Organizations)

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