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Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

The rodent species cares more about quantity than quality. Thus, females may give birth to ten 10+ young at one time. The fur color is genetically passed on from father to child but subspecies is based on mother, however this is every rarely important. Thus, a black squirrel who have to have rat as an ancestor likely a parent or grandparent.

Growth Rate & Stages

The first stage of life is pupling this stage last from birth to age three. In this stage they are taken care of their families. The second stage is pup which last to the age of five. During this time the pup becomes more and more independent of its family. The third stage last from ages five to ten and is known as young fur. At this stage of life they are kicked out of their homes and start to form an identity of their own. Once they reach age of ten they are considered an adult and are called a fur. Once they reach 18 they are know as fuzz fur and are sexually mature. They reamin at this stage until the age of 40 at which point they become an elder. The final stage is great elder which starts at age 45 and last till death.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The rodenty are omnivores but in a pinch are will to eat anything including trash and cadavers of other humanoids including rodenty. The only ones not know to practices this are the Capybara who will not eat thrash or cadavers.

Biological Cycle

The rodenty shed their fur coats twice a year during the spring and fall. During this time people who are allergic to beasts my have their allergies trigger by rodenty.

Additional Information

Social Structure

In rodenty culture, the elders are greatly respected as they are short-lived race thus surviving to old age means they have great genes and survival instinct and should be learned from. However if a person is considered a coward they will be ostracized and disrespected no matter the age.

Facial characteristics

The main characteristic that can be used to tell the Rodenty apart from other races is their incisors that never stop growing.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Depending on the sub-race they can be found in the forests in small communities or in large towns of other kingdoms.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Like other bestial races, they are very susceptible to two very dangerous parasitics the garrapata, and gusano.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The major language of the rodenty is Rodentian which each subspecies has its own dialect.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Many of the rodenty carry a wedge-shaped pendant that has multiple wholes of various sizes and depths. Before going to sleep on nights with a full moon the rodenty put this pendant into their mouth. A second common custom is they carry a bag of sticks that they chew on to prevent their teeth from growing to long

Historical Figures

There a few major historical figures in each subrace and will be outlined in the subraces articles.

Common Myths and Legends

The rodenty mainly follow the religion of Squeak-squeaks and most myths come from their faith. The few other legends are about the historical who happen to be rodenty.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The rattas subspecies of rodenty are considered to be thieves and crooks by many thus bring a negative idea of the rodenty to many. Due to this, the other rodenty try to distance themselves from the rattas.
Scientific Name
Dipodoidea Rodentiea
60 years
Average Height
The smallest species is can be as small as 2 feet (0.61 m) and the largest can be up to 6 feet (1.83 m) tall.
Average Weight
The lightest species weights about 20 pounds (ca. 9 kg) and the heaviest is about 200 pounds (ca. 91 kg).
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The rodenty have a fur color that ranges from white to light brown to black. They rarely have spots but they may have other patterns such as calico, swirled, solid, or belly-back.

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