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Wylfling (Aksi)

The Wylfling people, or otherwise known as the Aksi in their own tongue, primary live in the Aski Archipelago.

Basic Information


Wylflings are a very even mixture between beast and humanoid in terms of their appearance. They typically walk on two legs, but they may sprint on all fours if additional speed is needed. Their head is shaped like that of a canine, with a long snout and a row of sharp teeth. Their hands are more humanoid, allowing them to hold onto objects. One of the biggest differences between a wolf and Wylfling is that they do not have bushy tails. Their tails are skinnier and are mainly used for the purpose of balance. A thick layer of fur insulates them as well.

Growth Rate & Stages

Wylfling infant mortality rates are quite high due to their environment. If they survive infancy, Wyflings are raised by their parents and considered to reach adulthood at age 15. They are considered to be elderly at age 50, however, very few survive that long. If they do, they are capable of living up to age 80.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wyflings eat a primarily carnivorous diet but are capable of eating other foods.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Spread across the Aksi Archipelago- but most live on the largest island in Askar.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Wylflings have amazing senses, and particularly their sight and auditory capabilities stand out compared to other races. In ideal conditions, they can smell fresh blood a mile away and can hear quiet footsteps from a similar distance. They have no extrasensory capabilities without the use of magic.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Askar (Major Kingdom)

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Wylfling people have a very unique culture, having been evolved separately from the other races. They value strength and courage, as they need powerful leaders to guide them in the harsh Northern environment. Initially, they may appear barbaric due to certain traditions such as dueling (which is always to the death) and harsh treatment of criminals and outsiders. However, Wylfling people tend to stick together. They have a code of honor and traditions of hospitality. Almost all Wylflings follow the same religion, Lycism, the only outliers being nonreligious which is not very common.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Wylflings are known for their hospitality to those of their kind but brutality towards most other races. Religious Wylflings believe that they are all derived from the same father, Lycomir. Thus, any traveler or wanderer who is not an outcast will be gladly given food and shelter for one night if they need it. However, staying longer than that is considered rude.

Common Taboos

Denying a fellow Wylfling hospitality; likewise, staying for more than one night when given hospitality.


The Wylflings have been trapped in the Aksi Archipelago for as long as they've known. Rumors of a friendlier land down South has reached them, but they lack the technology or desire to travel that far. Almost completely separated, most Wyflings only ever come into contact with the Wild Races, forced to settle far north due to being outcast of other societies, and occasionally Genasi traders from nearby Borealis.   The primary Wyfling kingdom is Askar, but some of the unclaimed isles have significant Wylfling populations, mostly mages and exiles. Ironically, one of the most primal and barbaric races in the world actually has among the strongest mages. The legendary and rare Nordroth mages harness their power by "farming" the wild races that live around them. They live on the outskirts of communities, mostly meditating throughout the day. At night time, they feed on the blood of those who are sleeping. They always make sure to leave their victims alive, so that they may feed again at a future date. A combination of magic and technique makes sure that their victims never remember the night, only having perhaps a sore neck in the morning. Some of the affected communities simply accept the presence of a Nordroth mage, knowing that they will be somewhat protected from outside threats. Nordroth mages will defend their communities, even from other Wylflings, seeing them as their personal property.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Wylflings do not have pleasant relations with any other race, save for the Genasi.
52 years
Average Height
Standing on two legs: 6'11" (Male) 6'5" (Female)
Average Weight
300 lbs (Male) 240 lbs (Female)

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