Drassa Askar



    In the long history of the Arc Empire, few figures emerge as unexpectedly or as brightly as Drassa Askar daughter of Faerdyn Askar-Tarro . At first glance, her path to power seems to be one marred by adversity and shadowed by powerful figures who sought to undermine her every step. Her greatest adversary would turn out to be her father, whose own vanity ensured that he would do anything to prevent his daughter from eclipsing him.    The Arcish Empire, vast and enduring, had seen its share of formidable rulers up to this point, the two most significant being Emperor Dures II  and Jorei Starrander. Drassa, who came from the fringes, having been exiled to a life of silent contemplation, was propelled back into the heart of politics due to tragic circumstances. From her earliest days in the isolation of the Malermic Temple to her tumultuous coronation as empress, her journey was one of persistence, fraught with trials and treacheries.   Yet, it's her resilience and unyielding spirit that defines Drassa Askar. In her story, we do not merely see a princess turned empress. We witness the mettle of a leader who, against all odds, carved her own destiny. Her reign, often overshadowed by the looming figures of her father Faerdyn and the ambitious general Nurian, is testament to her indomitable determination. As we delve deeper into her life, it becomes evident that Drassa wasn’t just a product of her circumstances; she was a force that shaped the very course of the Arcish Empire.

Early Life and Challenges

  Born amidst the gilded corridors and grandeur of the Arcish Lyambore royal palace, Drassa Askar's life began not as a fairy tale, but as a testament to the often-cruel politics of monarchy. As the daughter of Emperor Faerdyn, she was trapped in the shadow of her father's formidable reign and expectations. From an early age, Drassa experienced the weight of royalty, not as a privilege, but as a burden. Faerdyn, for all his accomplishments, was a complex figure. He viewed his daughter with a mixture of hope and disappointment, often comparing her to his idealized vision of his late son, Merodin.   This strained father-daughter relationship reached its nadir when Drassa was banished to the Malermic Temple. Located in the desolate Arcish wastes to the north, the temple was not just a place of worship, but also of exile, where the outside world's clamour was replaced by the echoing silence of introspection; it was used by the Arcish nobility as a dumping ground, a de facto prison for troublesome and unwanted younger siblings. For Drassa, this wasn’t just a spiritual exile, but also an emotional one. While the official reason for her banishment remains shrouded in palace intrigue, whispers suggest that Faerdyn believed that the temple’s austere environment would ‘correct’ the perceived weaknesses in his daughter.   The temple, however, instead of breaking her, became Drassa's refuge. In its silent halls, she found not just solace but also strength. While the days were marked by rituals and reflection, the nights were filled with dreams of returning home, not as a prodigal daughter but as a force to be reckoned with.   Yet, destiny had its own plans. The untimely and tragic accident of Merodin, her beloved elder brother, sent shockwaves through the empire. As the heir apparent, his death created not just a personal void in Drassa's life but also a political vacuum. The palace, once filled with laughter and hopes pinned on Merodin, plunged into mourning. It was amidst this grief and turmoil that Drassa was summoned back to Arc. The very corridors she once roamed as a princess now echoed with whispers of her impending coronation.   Merodin's accident was not just a personal loss for Drassa; it was a clarion call. In its aftermath, she realized that destiny had set her on a path she could neither avoid nor abandon.

Return to Arc and Ascension to the Throne

  The Arcish horizon, with its majestic skyline and bustling streets, must have seemed both familiar and alien to Drassa as she approached the city. Gone were the tranquil surroundings of the Malermic Temple; in its place was the heart of an empire, a city that now looked to her for guidance. This return was not of a prodigal child, but of an heir, called upon to shoulder the immense weight of an empire's hopes and fears.   News of Merodin's untimely demise had spread like wildfire throughout the city. The prince, in his brief life, had become a beacon of hope for the Arcish people, and his death left an unfillable void. Murmurs of uncertainty began to weave through the populace, creating a tapestry of anxiety and speculation. It was against this backdrop that Drassa's carriage entered the city gates, escorted by a retinue of guards, a symbolic gesture showcasing the empire's continuity amidst unprecedented upheaval.   Faerdyn's decision to abdicate the throne added another layer of complexity to the already fraught situation. The old emperor, once a towering figure, now seemed diminished, not just by age but by grief and regret. In the grand hall of the palace, as he publicly declared his decision to step down, there was a palpable tension. While the nobility and clergy looked on with a mix of respect and trepidation, Drassa stood, her posture radiating a quiet strength that contrasted sharply with her father's weariness.   Yet, behind the solemn ceremony lay a labyrinth of emotions and ambitions. Faerdyn had spent years meticulously crafting a vision of the empire under Merodin's rule. With his son's passing, these dreams lay shattered, replaced by the reality of Drassa's impending reign. Deep within the emperor's heart brewed a volatile mix of resentment and despair. For in Drassa, he saw not just the end of his dynastic dreams but also a living testament to his own perceived failures.   Drassa's coronation, held a few days after Faerdyn's abdication, was a grand affair, befitting the stature of the Arcish empire. The ornate palace grounds echoed with the harmonies of choirs, and the air was thick with the scents of incense and blossoms. As the crown, heavy with its history and responsibility, was placed on Drassa's head, a hush fell upon the assembled crowd. Here was their new empress, a symbol of both continuity and change.   Yet, amidst the pomp and circumstance, it was clear that Drassa's reign would be no mere extension of her father's. She was determined to carve out her own legacy, one that acknowledged the past but was firmly rooted in her vision for the future. The empire, while outwardly celebrating the new empress, was internally bracing itself for an era of profound change. And at its epicenter was Drassa, the once-exiled princess, now the beacon of hope for an empire at the crossroads of history.

Nurian's Role and The Brewing Conspiracy

  Nurian Mondrias, a name that echoed through the marbled halls of Arc, was not merely a general; he was the embodiment of Arc's military prowess, leading the esteemed third army with unparalleled charisma and fervour. His reputation preceded him, and yet, beyond the battlegrounds, he was also known to have a nuanced understanding of political intrigue, which made him both admired and feared.   When the news of Merodin's untimely demise reached the far corners of the empire, it was Nurian who was entrusted with the solemn task of escorting Drassa back to the heart of the empire. This journey, fraught with emotion and political undercurrents, forged a bond between the young empress-to-be and the seasoned general. Their shared moments of contemplation, discussions about the future of Arc, and mutual reassurances in the face of uncertainty led many to believe in a budding alliance. Yet, the very proximity of Nurian to Drassa also seeded doubts in the minds of some, none more so than Brother Aeolfan.   The Malermic Brother Aeolfan, ever vigilant and always observant, noticed nuances in Nurian's demeanor that belied his seemingly unwavering loyalty. The whisperings in secluded corridors, secret missives exchanged under the cover of darkness, and covert meetings drew his attention. His suspicions grew until he stumbled upon the most treacherous conspiracy Arc had ever seen – a pact between Nurian and the grief-stricken Faerdyn. The elder emperor's grief for his lost son and bitterness towards his daughter had driven him into the shadows of deceit, promising Nurian the very throne of Arc once the old ruler's life ebbed away. This revelation, a dangerous game of thrones with Drassa as the unsuspecting pawn, set the stage for a chapter in Arc's history where loyalties were tested, alliances were shattered, and the fate of an empire hung precariously in the balance.

Love and Conspiracy: Drassa and Viyeldin

  Viyeldin Tarare, with his tall stature and sharp Golan features, was the quintessential ranger captain. Born from the rugged terrain of the Gol hinterland, his chance meeting with Drassa, initially, was unremarkable and she thought little of him. However, his presence in Arc as part of the Golan delegation at the Imperial Court led to an affinity developing between the two.   The palace, with its ornate chambers and sprawling gardens, became the backdrop for rare moments for Drassa, moments with someone in her life that she could trust and who wanted to take nothing from her. Drassa found in Viyeldin a counterbalance to her life's complexities, a sanctuary amidst the swirling storms. Their romance, however, was not just a personal affair. With every tender moment, the political implications grew more profound. Their union, while symbolic of a merging of different Arcish cities, also threw a spanner into the intricate web of political alliances that Faerdyn had so carefully crafted.   The emperor, in his quest to control and manipulate his daughter's destiny, had aspirations of marrying her into the influential Loverien family. Such a union would not only consolidate his power but also serve as a safety net, ensuring the throne remained under his influence, even if his own treacherous plans failed. This dynastic alliance was not just a matter of political expediency; it was an insurance against the unpredictability of the future.   However, love, as they say, has a mind of its own. As Drassa's affection for Viyeldin deepened, the undercurrents of conspiracy also intensified. It was during one of their clandestine meetings that Viyeldin and Brother Aeolfan, united by their genuine concern for Drassa, began sharing their suspicions of her general, Nurian Mondrias. Pooling their resources, the two were able to uncover the layers of treachery that threatened the very foundation of Arc's empire. Armed with this knowledge, they skilfully navigated the political minefield, reaching out to Nurian's supporters and making them see the perilous consequences of a failed coup. Their strategic interventions ensured that the arc of history bent not towards chaos, but towards hope and a renewed promise for the empire's future.

Decisions and The Birth of Dran

  In a masterstroke of political maneuvering, Drassa chose not to directly confront the charismatic and ambitious general, Nurian, but instead redirected his energies. She sent him north, far from the seat of power, with a significant responsibility. It was both a challenge and an opportunity for Nurian: to establish and command a military outpost that would serve as a bulwark against potential threats and further the empire's ambitions in the East.   Nurian, with his deep-set eyes that seemed to pierce one's very soul, and a voice that commanded obedience, was a man who exuded power. His magnetic charisma was matched only by his towering ambition. He was someone who envisioned himself not just leading armies, but entire nations. Within the confines of Arc, he saw an opportunity to rise, to challenge, and perhaps, to reign. But with Drassa’s decision, his immediate path to power became a winding road.   The establishment of Dran was no small feat. It was situated amidst challenging terrains, surrounded by potential adversaries, and was to be the symbol of Arcish might in the north. Every stone laid, every fortification erected, was a testament to Nurian's indomitable spirit and his ability to rally troops around a shared vision. The outpost soon transformed into a stronghold, echoing not just with the clattering of weapons, but also with the bustling life of a growing settlement.   But as Dran rose from the ground, something shifted within Nurian. The once fiery eyes that dreamt of power in Arc began to see a different vision. In Dran, he found not just a military post, but a legacy. The city, with its sturdy walls and burgeoning populace, was only completed centuries after his death, but Dran became tainted by his ambitions and would forever represent a threat to Arc. His dreams of insurrection against Drassa faded, replaced by the dreams of a thriving city, of a legacy that would outlive empires.   Though initially resentful of his forced relocation, Nurian soon embraced his role as the founder and leader of Dran. His once palpable ambition for the throne of Arc was replaced by a new ambition: to ensure that Dran, his brainchild, would rival, if not eclipse, the grandeur of Arc. This newfound vision sowed the seeds of a future rivalry between the two great cities, setting the stage for centuries of political dynamics, alliances, and conflicts.

Legacy and Aftermath

  Drassa Askar, a ruler thrust unexpectedly into power, navigated her reign with a remarkable blend of prudence and audacity. While the immediate impact of her decisions, particularly concerning Nurian and the establishment of Dran, stabilized the empire in her time, they set into motion a series of events that would shape the destiny of the Arcish people for generations.   The city of Dran, under Nurian's meticulous leadership, flourished to become a powerhouse in its own right. As its influence grew, so too did its aspirations, drawing inevitable comparisons with Arc. The two cities, initially bound by strategic interests and shared heritage, gradually found themselves on opposing ends of geopolitical agendas.   This tectonic shift, a direct consequence of Drassa's decision to divert Nurian's ambitions, gave rise to a centuries-long rivalry. Trade, diplomacy, military might, and cultural pursuits became arenas of competition between Dran and Arc. Their intertwined narratives were marked by alliances, betrayals, wars, and truces, reflecting the intricate dance of power and ambition.   In retrospect, Drassa's reign stands as a pivotal chapter in the annals of Arcish history. Her choices, made in the crucible of political turmoil, echoed across the corridors of time, underscoring the profound impact a single ruler's decisions can have on the trajectory of an empire and its people.


  The story of Drassa Askar is not just one of ascension and rule but is emblematic of the intricate interplay between personal ambitions, political manoeuvrings, and the larger tides of history. Through the lens of her life, we witness the unpredictable ways in which individuals shape and are shaped by the eras they inhabit. Drassa's leadership, marked by resilience amidst adversity and deft navigation of the treacherous waters of Arcish politics, serves as a poignant reminder of the indomitable spirit of leadership.   Furthermore, the legacies she left behind, particularly the establishment of Dran and the subsequent rivalry it birthed with Arc, are testaments to the enduring impact of decisions made in moments of crisis. As the tapestry of Arcish history unfolds, the threads of Drassa's choices weave through its fabric, influencing events, alliances, and conflicts for generations to come.   In concluding, it becomes evident that while empires rise and fall, and cities vie for dominance, it is the tales of individuals like Drassa, with their complex interplay of strengths and vulnerabilities, that truly captivate and endure. Her story serves as a timeless lesson in leadership, sacrifice, and the profound ripple effects one person's choices can cast across the vast expanse of history.

A Fire in the Heart of Knowing

  Our debut Arclands novel is available here. Read A Fire In the Heart of Knowing, a story of desperate power struggles and a battle for survival in the dark lands of Mordikhaan.


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