The obelisk of Psychic empowerment
A towering obelisk made of black obsidian that gleams. The obelisk is decorated with hundreds of runes from the long-forgotten illitid period of the world. Placed long ago by the illitids the obelisk allows for an enhanced reach and power of any psychic abilities in a person. The massive 30 foot structure must be opened by accesing it through a series of chambers that are buried benath the earth and within the lost city of Malkabek. Beneath the city lies a series of chambers that each test a mental or physical power and anyone able to get past them is allowed access to the obelisk.Powers Granted by the Obelisk
The obelisk enhances any psychic powers a person has and if a person does not have any psychic connections they gain a limited amount of psychic powers including telepahy and telekinetics. In addition to these powers the Obelisk connects the person who touches it a connection to the great powers of Arcnine able to talk to hidden gods and know the location of others with a connection to this connection. This connection has only be gained by a select few including The King Meldroza Venhar with the The Royal Everseal and those touched by the imprisioned gods underneath the dungeons.Limitations of the Powers
The Obelisk is not infinite in power and requires a sufficient amount of psychic energy charged into it in order to activate the Obelisk abilities. The Obelisk passively abstracts the psychic abillities of the minor creatures that live around it which is why the people that lived in Malkabek had very limited psychic powers dispite their psychic lineage.Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild