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Moleculas Proclivitas

Moleculas Proclivitas (a.k.a. Frozen Stone)

Silver Dragonborn whos parents left him to drift on a nearby river at birth. After a couple of hours a pirate crew known as the Moraphis Pirates picked him up and forced him upon the crew.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

6'6 280lbs physically ripped, Very dense and strong muscles with very little fat.

Body Features

Severely burned right thigh, giving off a reddish gray tint.   Back Scar - Crescent moon in the shape of a U with a sun above it

Identifying Characteristics

One icy blue curved horn

Specialized Equipment

He is proficient in water vehicles.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

On the 7th of Undola 435 in the southern outskirts on Nishinato a young Dragonborn couple resided. They had just given birth but were not prepared to raise a child. With very little money and recourses the only option that was given was to send the child to the militia. In fear of this the mother decided to put the child in a basket and drift him off into the sea in hopes someone with a better situation could show him a life they couldn't. Before they sent the child out the father used his claws to etch into his back the symbol of a crescent moon in the shape of a u and a sun above the moon. This symbol represents family in the town he is from.   Around 12 hours into the child being sent to sea he was picked up by the Moraphis Pirates. These pirates were relatively known around Lurien. After picking up the child the head captain Ruenovish decided to take him in as one of his own. In his mind a Dragonborn could prove quite useful in his crew. As the years go on this child turns 10 and is being prepared to begin training. Up until this point he would simply keep the ship clean and do all of the chores around, However he is growing rather quickly and the captain believes its his time officially join the ranks. He trained day in and day out for about 36 months and had very little to show for it. Not much muscle grew on his body and he was rather frail for his age. Ruenovish was started to be very irritated with the boy and sent him back to being a chore boy. Even though Ruenovish was harsh the boy never stopped training and kept at it every night 2 hours before bed. On the 18th of Reprin 448 Uvoshere, the head Alchemist of the crew, approached the young boy with excitement in his eyes. He told the boy that he had come up with a new alchemical compound that should enhance the rate your muscles grow when stimulated. The child took no time to think about it and quickly agreed. Within 8 months he had grown immensely and was able to do things even the veterans of they crew couldn't do. Ruenovish was in awe. This once frail Dragonborn had become unrecognizable. After understanding how he achieved this physique and level of strength, Ruenovish decided to allow him to re-enter the ranks. After Uvoshere showed him how the substance works the captain introduced it to his entire crew.   Around 28 months pass and the Moraphis pirates grow immensely in strength and popularity. The crew was as confident as they have ever been. However on the 16th of Obadan 451, the Moraphis pirates come across the Caida pirates. The Caida pirates are lead by Kesephys. Kesephys is a Tabaxin warlock. Upon encountering this crew the Moraphis pirates engage with no second thought. This was a heated battle that lasted over 15 hours. Ruenovish was facing Kesephys. Zenpho, Ruenovish's left hand man, was facing Draxnier, Kesephys' left hand man. The child was facing Ugomesh, Kesephys' right hand man. While the right and left hand men of Kesephys were very normal and fought with simple martial weapons, Kesephys himself was very different. It's as if he himself had acquired the powers of fabled creatures in the sea. Approaching him was almost impossible. He had these tentacles appear out of thin air that would protect him at any cost. Uvoshere almost instantly realized this man has tapped into the power of a Fathomless pact and quickly tried to warn Ruenovish. The only issue was that Kesephys casted the spell silence and Uvoshere had no way to get the information across. Ugomesh simply laughed watching the childs captain get demolished. The child in a fit of rage strikes Ugomesh over and over and over again. Even when Ugomesh hit him back and stabbed the child, he never stopped and kept striking him. Before he know it Ugomesh had been bested and simple tells the child "I am truly amazed. What is your name." The child had no response since he was never giving a name. On the other side Zenpho had quickly disposed of Draxnier. Seeing his captain being thrashed around, without hesitation he runs in to try to save him. Kesephys realizing what was going on casted Evard's black tentacles and fully restrained Zenpho. After restraining him he slits his throat and tosses him back to his ship. Ruenovish was in tears. This was the first time the child or anyone of the crew had seen the captain cry. Kesephys looked at the crew and exclaimed. "The Caida pirates shall be the downfall of all in their way. Now spread our name and tell the people what it means to face us, for we have beaten the renowned Moraphis pirates. We are the strongest on the sea." After that he tossed everyone back to their ship and left. Ruenovish was left on the brink of death and Cragnier, the ships doctor, had no way of helping him. Any healing they would do was ineffective. As Ruenovish's life was fading he looked at the child and stated. "I have high hoped for you. Lead the crew well. If anyone can defeat Kesephys its you. The true monster of the sea. The Dragonborn Moleculas Proclivitas.   Nine years go by and Mo encounters no signs of Kesephys. Wanting to live up to his captains words he continues to train like a madman. He is now a towering 6'6, stone 20 using 2 handaxes Runeovish previously wielded. Mo and his crew grew in stature among the Central Sea. Mo himself harboring the epithet Frozen Stone for most foes he encounters freeze in fear of meeting him. It was a calming life on the sea. Not many people wanted to challenge the Moraphis pirates anymore. It was now the 16th of Obadan 460. Mo and crew were sailing along the Nishinato coast mourning the death of Ruenovish. It has almost been a decade since he had passed. Mo felt no tears at the time while his crew wept, he look fowards. There is no time for emotions while on the sea, you never know what could pop up. While sailing near Aedelstown the crew sees a whirl of tentacles in the near distant, and a ship appears from those very tentacles. Uvoshere using one of his devices is able to see a great distance, and makes out the flag ship. It was the Caida flag. Mo hearing this orders Greplo to change course and head in the direction of that ship. While they slowly head towards Kesephys and the Caida pirates Uvoshere exlaims. "Fall back, fall back this isnt good. They bring more ships then last time. Numbering 5". Greplo quickly turns the ship around but to no prevail. It seems as if the ocean itself was pulling us towards Kesephys. Something seemed very off for the other ships did not harbor the same flag as the Caida pirates. One flag had the shape of a Demogorgon. Another the shape of Fey. Another the shape of a lamp with a crown. Another the shape of a Ghoul. And fianlly the Caida pirates whos flag bares the shape of a Kraken. Since the ship was already being dragged, Mo exclaims to the crew "FIRE FIRE FIRE" and they take action. A barrage of cannon balls were fired from both sides but, eventually Mo's crew land a direct hit onto the Caida pirates breaking Kesephys' concentration. As soon as they are free they flee. Mo's ship was and Cragnier were heavily damaged. Greplo was not going to give up however and focused on using the now damaged ship to take us to shore. Kesephys and his fleet gave chase trying to take us down. This chase lasted a while until they reached the outskirts of Ithmus. Before making it to the port one of the ships hurls a fireball at the crew. This fireball was not very large but was heading directly for the injured Cragnier. Mo quickly ran and tossed him aside taking the full blast of the fireball. This would leave a treacherous burn onto Mo's right thigh. After making it onto the city the crew bout some wagons to go towards the town of Urogalan. They made due with what they had and settled there for about 3 years. It was now the 8th of Reprin 463, and Mo still wanted revenge on Kesephys. He was sick and tired of staying in one place not being to get any intel on him. He swore that till his last breath he shall hunt down and make Kesephys pay for what he has done. Remembering that the last time they saw him appear was near Aedelstown Mo decided to head out and go to that area. The rest of the crew disbanded and went their seperate way. Greplo and Cragnier decided they would live out their lives on Urogalan. Uvoshere was the only one that wanted to go with Mo to Aedelstown. After arriving they got very little intel on Kesephys. 3 months into landing on this region on the 20th of Urogala 464 Mo woke up and realized Uvoshere was not with him. He asked everyone around if he has seen him. Uvoshere was very hard to miss. He was a 6'0 Dark Elf with light green hair and a scar in the shape of a star on his right cheek. a couple of days have gone by with no sign of him and Mo grew worried. He had no idea who could of taken him without his notice and why they would want him. If it was Kesephys he surely would of killed Mo without a second thought and would not of left him alive. Mo now had 2 things he was in search of, Kesephys and Uvoshere. One day Mo decides to go to the Inn and get a couple of drinks to take his mind off everything and a women tells Mo about some rumors of problems arising in Phandolin. Thinking it could deal with Kesephys or Uvoshere he quickly heads to the city of Phandolin.

Gender Identity





Learned 2 handed and 1 handed weapons from Zenpho   Learned how to sail from Greplo


Pillaging and rampaging towns as a pirate.


Consumed illegal drugs

Silver Dragonborn whos parents left him to drift on a nearby river at birth. After a couple of hours a pirate crew known as the Moraphis Pirates picked him up and forced him upon the crew.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
7th Undola 435
Outskirts of Nishinato
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common Draconic


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