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Sestet Sesephys

Sestet Sesephys (a.k.a. The Red Cat)

A curious tabaxi from The Dunes, Sestet of the Sesephys clan stumbled onto a group of cultists who were operating nearby. In order to figure out what they were up to Sestet forfeited his position in the clan and set out after them. It's been several years since then, and after taking odd jobs and mercenary work to fund the search, Sestet found a clue that led him East to Diluvia and Phandolin, where he has been hired by Gundrin Rockseeker.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Body Features

Red fur Digitigrade legs

Facial Features

Green eyes

Identifying Characteristics

Dark patch of fur around eyes Dark spots of fur

Apparel & Accessories

Leather armour Redbrand cloak

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born on the 4th of Rempir 440, under the star of Ob'heti, the Tabaxi god of knowledge and learning. A very fitting sign for Sestet, one that he embodies whole heartedly.   Sestet hails from the Sesephys clan, a small band of Tabaxi from The Dunes that made their home a little ways outside of Ahjit. His father Sesephys was the clan head. His mother Bastet was a lorekeeper. His sibling Basephys was raised to be a lorekeeper, but wanted to fight and lead, while Sestet was raised as a warrior and to be the next clan head, he was much more interested in gathering knowledge and information.   As a child he witnessed a cult meeting, the cult members wore no uniforms or symbols apart from skulls strapped to their faces. The skulls appeared to be real, and from a variety of animal creatures and humanoids. They were engaged in some sort of magical ritual, but Sestet was unable to get close enough to gather any real details about it.   Sestet went back to warn the clan, but when they returned the cultists were gone. Since that day Sestet has longed to know what they were doing and why they were there.   After questioning some travelling merchants, he realised just how big the world was and how many unanswered questions awaited. Unbridled curiosity now driving him, he forfeited his position as clan successor, declared himself a lorekeeper and cited his right to pilgrimage. He promised that he would return to regale the clan with everything he learns.   He spent a fair amount of time out in The Dunes searching for the cult and looking for clues. With little luck he ventured towards more populated areas.   Taking odd jobs and mercenary work, whatever funds his search for answers. Sestet spent 5 years moving around, making new contacts and gaining new knowledge. During his searching, he became friends with a wizard known as Lyris the Foreword when he was curious about some magic items, since then he will consult him for help on magical curiosities. During their time together Lyris imparted some of his magical knowledge to Sestet, which he would later perfect and use on his adventures.


Sestet is attracted to femininity, regardless of gender.


Trained in combat and survival by his father Sesephys, the clan head. Knowledge of history and the world from his mother Bastet, the clan's lorekeeper. Skills and knowledge relating to things that stoke his curiosity.


During his life in The Dunes, Sestet would hunt and trade with passing merchants on their way to Ahjit.   After setting out to investigate the cult Sestet headed westward, towards busier towns. He would take odd jobs, mercenary and guard work, as well as requests from guilds, he was not fussy, as long as he earned enough to keep up the search.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Diffused the tensions with King Grol by convincing him that the party was allied with his boss, The Black Spider.

Failures & Embarrassments

Much of the clan does not believe his story about the cultists and think he made it up. Had to publically forfeit his position as the successor of the clan head in order to venture to the outside world for answers.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sestet is endlessly curious and hungers for answers when he is fixated on a question.

Morality & Philosophy

Sestet belives that the pursuit of knowledge is noble, and anyone with interest in learning earns his respect, from lifelong scholars to inquisitive children.   Sestet believes that knowledge is to be shared, and being unable to learn is tantamount to death, as such, he detests captivity as it robs one of their ability to learn.

Personality Characteristics


Sestet is motivated by a desire for answers and knowledge.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: Skilled at climbing and acrobatics, as well as shooting and hunting.   Ineptitudes: Not a very perceptive guy, impulsive and will charge ahead without thinking. Frequently gets tunnel vision.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Warm places, libraries, books/ any source of knowledge, people that want to learn.   Dislikes: Large bodies of water, canines, anyone that refuses to learn.

Virtues & Personality perks

Respects learning, and helps by sharing any relevant knowledge.

Vices & Personality flaws

Not very perceptive, distracted easily by new curiosities.


Good, he cleans his fur regularly, misses sand baths in The Dunes though


Contacts & Relations

Sesephys - Sestet's father, the clan head - their relationship has strained since Sestet renounced his position.   Bastet - Sestet's mother, the head lorekeeper of the clan, Sestet loves her deeply and wants to bring back as much knowledge as possible to make her proud of his decision to renounce his position.   Basephys - Sestet's sibling, Sestet envied Basephys for being a lorekeeper candidate, while Basephys envied Sestet for being trained as a warrior and the clan successor. Since setting out they have had correspondence by way of letters, and are now on better terms.   Mercenary contacts -   Lyris the Foreword - A wizard that Sestet met on his travels, the two became fast friends and bonded over research into magic. Lyris taught Sestet some of the magic he had learned, over time Sestet would master these spells and make them his own.   Altoryn - Sestet respects Altoryn twofold, yes, for saving his life during their first goblin encounter, but more so for his devotion to knowledge and his goal of earning money for his school.   Cherimie - Sestet has been patched up by Cherimie a fair few times now, and is unbelievably appreciative as her healing has allowed him to keep on pursuing his curiosities, when otherwise he may have perished.   Moleculas - Sestet admires his great strength in combat and supports his ideas in the pursuit of alchemical knowledge.   Kry - Sestet finds his movements silent and graceful, and often compares his own stealthiness to that of Kry.

Family Ties

Father: Sesephys Mother - Bastet Sibling - Basephys

Religious Views

Mehatmut - the overall god of tabaxi, pray to for big things   Ob'heti - born under their star, the god of knowledge, pray to for smaller, everyday issues.

Social Aptitude

Transactional relationships through trading with merchants.   Not much experience socially.

Hobbies & Pets

Obi, the owl familiar.

Wealth & Financial state

Only cares about having enough funds to find the next answer.

An inquisitive cat, chasing down answers about mysterious cult activities he stumbled across, unfortunately he is easily distracted and every day brings new questions with new answers to find first.

View Character Profile
Chaotic neutral
Date of Birth
Star of Ob'Heti - 4th of Reprin 440 (4/13/440)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft 4
143 lb
Quotes & Catchphrases
*slow clapping* "Aha, excellent job! Allow me to formally introduce myself, I am the Red Cat. I believe you know our companion... the Black Spider?"   "Finally, I have learned all the secrets of the frog" *hands frog to nearest party member and leaves*
Known Languages
Common and Tabaxi


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