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The Arcane University

An organisation founded in Diluvia to research magical phenomenon and educate would-be magic users in use of the arts.


The University has 5 ranks: Inaugurate, Bachelor, Disciple, Master, and Mage. The ceremonial rank of Archmage is reserved only for the founder of the University, Archmage E'ir.   Inaugurates are the first rank obtained after joining the University. To become an Inaugurate, one must simply demonstrate and above average knowledge and interest in the arcane, or a practical proficiency. This rank is usually granted immediately, though some preliminary examinations or tutoring may be required for those with very little skill or experience.   Bachelor is a rank attainted after 3 years of study and field work within the University. This rank signifies that the student is learned with mundane arcana and is ready to assist in more intense research, tackling much deeper phylosophical and academic problems.   Disciples are qualified magic users. These students have demonstrated a deep knowledge and commitment to the arcane arts. This position requires around 6 years of study and field work to attain after becoming a Bachelor, though this position is granted directly by Masters with approval from their principal Mage, and so the pre-requisites vary greatly. Some Bachelors have been granted Disciplehood after a much shorter time under extraordinary circumstances wherein they could demonstrate a much richer knowledge and grasp of the arcane than their position would suggest.   Masters are concerned with overseeing the research of their Disciples, be it field research or experimental. To become a Master, a student of the University must demonstrate complete mastery of at least one field of magic, and have very good working knowledge of the other disciplines. This position takes at least a decade to reach after attaining the title of Disciple, though in the majority of cases this is closer to twenty years.   All Mages answer directly to the Archmage, but have almost complete autonomy in their own fields of research and over their direct subordinates. Mages act as the principles of each branch of the University and are among the most experienced, knowledgable, and powerful magic users in the world.
Founding Date
Educational, University
Leader Title


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