Session 11: MippendinernitF's Library Trip

General Summary

  • With two fewer pounds of langasite, but in the good graces of the Court of the Monarch, you wish farewell to the Colony Impess and leave the planet Al'Tonzai.
  • You proceed to a hyperlane junction, a megastructure made of thousands of warp gates arranged to form an unthinkably large curved wall in space. You sync with one leading to the Darzhon star cluster and make the jump.
  • After two days in iterated hyperspace, you emerge at a junction 45,000 light-years across the galaxy. Aboard a starship newly named... "MippendinernitF."
  • The Darzhon cluster looks to be of industrial significance, judging by the preponderance of ,
  • You reach out to Krest for further guidance on the location of the Archivists, and he eagerly responds a little while later, attaching a map drive to his message. You install this on your navcomputer.
  • After another half a day of warp travel, as your navcomputer tells you you're a matter of minutes from your destination, ship systems begin to give alerts: momentarily high electric field readings from shields, spatial glitches on the astrogation display. ...And this is when memories start to become blurry.
  • But whatever happened here, seems to be over now.
  • Eventually you experience anomalous gravitational forces, and the stars align in a striking linear transformation...and then it all returns to normal. Except that you find yourselves above a planet.
  • You descend, still following your map drive, to a stadium-looking dome of a building.
  • Entering inside, you find yourselves unable to interact with the flickering occupants.
  • You eventually march up to the central platform, where the five individuals assembled there seem to finally notice you.
  • They beckon you forward, uniquely material as compared to everyone else, and you have a conversation. A representative of each of the five Originals speaks to you--including a simian Zemtel, a species you know to be extinct. They ask some basic info about you and suggest that they're still figuring out this strange phenomenon of "visitors" themselves. But they presume you're looking for an audience with the Archive.
  • Finally, when you're all assembled on the platform together, they summon the convoluted fixture of panels hanging from the ceiling, which rearranges and takes the form of a giant humanoid face.
  • Peripheral vision fades, and the Archive introduces itself and its terms...
    1. "Your interaction with the Archive forces many large universal variables into confluence. It should not be repeated in one lifetime."
    2. "The Archivists have instituted a safety policy to discourage the promulgation and possible abuse of the Archive..." You choose to either forget the circumstances of your visit here (while retaining the information you learned), or you authorize the Archive to deliver a detailed report of your past and identity to the Archivists to distribute strategically as they see fit.
  • Bailey, Céad and Dee choose to forget, while Callsign chooses to be remembered.
Queries to the Archive
You're afforded 5 questions to ask about the nature of things. If you're not satisfied with the answer you may appeal to have the query refunded for a new one.

Q: Archaeon?
A: The archaeon R. grendel is a biological weapon created for the purpose of sabotage by the organization Nullspace, in conjunction with the Dunkelung people and the corporation Mercurial Statics. It was designed to respond to a specific electromagnetic signal that will activate it and allow it to alter the functioning of the very transistors of whatever electronics it has contact with. R. grendel's pathway of electronic infection is so direct and novel that there no cybersecurity known infrastructure could protect the galaxy's electronics against an activation event. At this point, however, due to the archaeon's widespread intragalactic distribution across tens of thousands of light-years, the simultaneous activation of all deployed cells would require no less than an entanglement transmitter.


Q: Krest Winfolg? [QUERY REFUNDED]
A: Krest Winfolg was an Etruvian forensic scientist. He worked his way through the forensic laboratories on his homeworld before joining the ranks of Network Compliance Enforcement. His professional accolades suddenly exploded around this time, and -SCREAMING, THE SCREAMING- his interests changed drastically. He became Director of Intelligence -TOO MANY, TOO LOUD- ...file is corrupted. Krest Winfolg query aborted.


Q: Void Sickness? [QUERY REFUNDED]
A: This is a condition that has existed for many millenia. Its precise origin falls outside my knowledgebase. (Note: the following content is heavily editorialized.) There exist phenomena in this universe that the creators wrote into existence directly. These phenomena have no quantum history, and thus my awareness of them is constructed solely out of their impact on the phenomena of Arcturus of which I do have full knowledge. Void Sickness, as it has been called, is an example of such.

156,072-42 - 156,072-46
Report Date
30 Mar 2024
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