Session 8: The View From the Cathedral

General Summary

  • Party wakes up in the broom closet in the inn everyone has been referring to as the "Cathedral," planet Al'Tonzai in the Elytron Star Cluster
  • When you go out to the lobby, you see a familiar face: the reptilian Yeydoleecian woman Arkesia; you ask her about the apocalypse microbe, at the mention of which she brings up her colleague
  • Very suddenly, Bailey leads her to the canteen in the next room over, just as her colleage enters the lobby. The rest of you speak to him over some drinks and he offers a little bit of insight regarding the microbe.
  • It interacts with electrical signals in its vicinity, and can apparently

A Detailed Account

Bailey, Céad, Callsign and Sigori all wake up surrounded by brooms. You saunter out of your premium maintenance closet to the lobby of the "Cathedral" on the planet Al'Tonzai, and the first person you notice in the lobby is a familiar reptilian woman, Arkesia, who's sitting on a couch waiting for someone. You approach her, and Bailey wonders what circumstances led her to Al'Tonzai, to which she replies that it's a common stop for those traveling outside the Network's reach; she's recovering here while she waits for her employer to get her transport back. (Arkesia seems to have warmed up a bit since the group last met her, talking to Bailey almost with warmth in her voice.)

You chat more and eventually ask about the apocalypse microbe, and Arkesia tells you that while she herself doesn't have a ton of knowledge on it, her colleague does happen to be studying it. Then, abruptly, she and Bailey stand and head for the canteen hand-in-hand, just as another figure flings open the door on the other side of the lobby and enters.

This individual, a fungoid man, stares in Arkesia's direction for a few seconds before he approaches the party and questions them about it. He was going to meet with her for a discussion; what business do you have with her? You just explain your interest in R. grendel, and with a little bit of persuasion (mainly from the refreshments in the canteen), he shares a little bit. He reintroduces himself as Galsik, a doctor from Rimtreader, and informs you he was studying the microbe as part of his own independent research. It's known that R. grendel has certain organelles capable of absorbing, storing, and even releasing energy from local electric fields, but that it's never been observed actually using this ability due to the dormant state in which it universally appears. Galsik was doing some "pruning" of its genome, removing some of regulatory loci he decided were

156,072-39 - 156,072-40
Report Date
17 Feb 2024
Primary Location
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