
Spiritual Arthropoid

The Tonzins are a people yet unconjoined with the Unison Network, but well known in their galactic sector for their hospitality and exquisite culture.


Attitudes and Values

Tonzins live lives of deep religious significance. In daily life, they are surrounded by the beauty of their architecture, the grounding quality of their work, and the community of the colony they live within. Despite the hardships they face living in the galactic outer shell, their deep sense of personal power—and even divinity—allows them to persevere.

Tonzins see themselves as sparks of divine will in a perilous universe. Their bodies may be weak and liable to destruction, but their collective will can persist as long as the colony is maintained. Therefore, sentiments of self respect and self acceptance are ubiquitous in Tonzin culture, accompanied by the patience and temperance of a people that knows their own divinity.

Societal Structure

Tonzins live in colonies each governed by a sovereign Monarch, a matriarch with ultimate authority over her charges. The Monarch is an important component of Tonzin political as well as religious life; politically, she and her court are responsible for governing, protecting, and populating the colony. On the religious side, it is believed she is an incarnation of the collective will of her people.

But although a Tonzin monarch enjoys the highest degree of power and standard of living in the colony, her role is seen as that of a servant to the people, the latter being the more important element in the relationship. And while all Tonzins are subject to the Monarch's rule, this structure is merely a means to protect and serve her people's will. Thus, in the traditional Tonzin religious framework, the self is the true highest divinity, and the Monarch is merely an instrumental vehicle to serve that divinity.


Names. Alpa'Torr, Saldein, Dasowai, Krat'zahan, Salteira


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