Hydrogen Time
Hydrogen Time: Logarithmic Units
This conversion table has been configured to convert between Hydrogen Time Logarithmic (H.T.) Units and Earth Metric Time (E.M.T.) Units. E.M.T. conversion values are presented in base-ten numerics and rounded to three decimal places, as the ratio between the E.M.T. base unit (second) and the H.T. base unit (hydrogen gigacycle) is 1:1.420405752, an irrational decimal.
H.T. Unit | Abbrev. | Comparative Value | E.M.T. Unit |
nanochron | nc | 1 hydrogen valence cycle | 0.704 nanosecond |
microchron | mcc | 1000 hydrogen valence cycles | 0.704 microsecond |
millichron | mlc | 1e6 hydrogen valence cycles | 0.704 millisecond |
chron | c | 1e9 hydrogen valence cycles | 0.704 second |
kilochron | kc | 1000 c | 704.024 seconds / 11.734 minutes |
mirakilochron | mikc | 10 kc / 10000 c | 7040.242 seconds / 117.337 minutes |
magnakilochron | makc | 100 kc / 100000 c | 19.556 hours |
megachron | mgc | 1000 kc | 195.562 hours / 8.148 days |
miramegachron | mimgc | 10 mgc | 1955.623 hours / 81.4842806 Earth days |
magnamegachron | mamc | 100 mgc | 814.843 days / 2.232 years |
gigachron | gc | 1000 mgc | 8148.428 days / 22.324 years |
terachron | tc | 1000 gc | 22324.460 years |
petachron | pc | 1000 tc | 22324460.400 years |
mirapetachron* | mipc | 10 pc | 223244604 years |
exachron† | xc | 1000 pc | 22324460400 years |
†An exachron is longer than the current age of the universe. It quickly became apparent, however, that this logarithmic system could be cumbersome to use for everyday reference. Because of this, new units were created that better align with the average sophont's perception of time. These "convenience units" quickly became the new colloquial "standard time."
Hydrogen Time: Convenience Units
This conversion table has been configured to convert between Hydrogen Time Convenience (H.T.) Units and Earth Metric Time (E.M.T.) Units. E.M.T. conversion values are presented in base-ten numerics and rounded to three decimal places, as the ratio between the E.M.T. base unit (second) and the H.T. base unit (hydrogen gigacycle) is 1:1.420405752, an irrational decimal.
H.T. Unit | Abbrev. | Comparative Value | E.M.T. Unit |
chron | c | 1/100 ty | 0.704 seconds |
tychon | ty | 100 c | 70.402 seconds |
arc | arc | 50 ty | 58.669 minutes |
hemicirc | hcrc | 10 arc | 9.778 hours |
circ | crc | 2 hcrc / 20 arc | 19.556 hours |
decacirc | dcrc | 10 crc | 8.148 days |
hemimora | hmra | 5 dcrc / 50 crc | 40.742 days |
mora | mra | 10 dcrc / 100 crc | 81.484 days |
annua | ann | 5 mra / 500 crc | 407.421 days / 1.1162 years |
decana | dann | 10 ann | 11.162 years |
centana | cann | 100 ann | 111.622 years |
kilana | kann | 1000 ann | 1116.223 years |
epoch | epc | 1000000 ann | 1116223 years |
eon | eon | 1000000000 ann | 1116223000 years |
Time and Date Format
Dates are written as a succession of increasingly general timeslices, like so:crc/dcrc/mra/ann
5/8/3/45875 AGU