
Uinen is the Goddess of water(all forms), storms, spring rains, mists, fogs, clouds.   Nenar and Uinen created the water ways and oceans of the world. Cala gifted them with the blood of life. All things need water. They created vast deep oceans, small meandering rivers, still ponds, raging storms and thundering waterfalls. With the gift of water they also created creatures in their image with a few tweaks. The merfolk, Kuo - Tao, Locathah, Triton, Vedalken.   One would worship Nenar and Uinen by cleaning waterways, by protecting water in some way.   The places of worship that one would use be a temple dedicated to water in some way, be it underwater or with water a major feature. The typical materials used in these temples would be mother of pearl, pearls, coral, algae, seaweed, scales from water based creatures.