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Nazgul and their Holdings

Nine rings for mortal men doomed to die
During the Second Age, the Nazgul were each given an area of control (see Nazgul Holding map), until all of Endor except the NorthWest corner was under Nazgul government. When the Nazgul vanished, some of their governments and strongholds continued to rule in their immediate areas. The coordination between regions, however, was gone. Some areas degenerated into chaos until the strongest who could restore order by word or sword emerged in each area.   1. Er Murazor, The Witch King of Angmar   2. Khamul, The Dragon King   3. Dendra Dwar (f), Dwar the Hunter   4. Ji Indur, The Black Assassin   5. Akhorahil, The Storm King   6. Hoarmurath of Dir, The Ice King   7. Adunabeth (f), The Dark Queen   8. Ren Jey, Ren the Tainted   9. Uvatha Achef, The Black Horseman

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