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Pantheons - The First

Immotus: Raven
Death, darkness, murder, Undeath. Widely known and feared. Patron of those who seek greatest evil for enjoyment or gain. Also, those who seek the immortality of undeath.
Necromancers, assassins, murderers.   Ingra: Red sigil
Magic, arcane, knowledge, foresight. Holds magic and study of the Weave above all things.
Wizards, sages   Orium: Globe of Water
Visions, prophecies, water. The Mad Seer. Experiences constant stream of visions. Past, present, future, all jumbled and out of order. Visions without words to explain them. Is insane as a result and can give glimpses of his madness to others offensively. Uses globe of water to help focus moments of clarity.
Oracles, seers, Elemental mages (water)   Persha:
shadows, shadow magic Goddess of shadows, shadow creatures, and shadow mages.
N   Pyrem: Fist holding lightning bolt
Valor, justice, honor, Air. Leader of the First appointed by Atwaal. Followers are to uphold highest ideals of justice. Diplomacy is to be used when possible. Battle is to be swift with mercy shown to the conquered.
Paladins, Fighters, Judges, constables   Raamia: Theater Masks
Stories, Drama, Lore, Dreams. The Storyteller. Believes entertainment defines culture. Values all cultural entertainment traditions.
Bards, singers, performance artists, storytellers   Yala: Bow and arrow
Battle training, athleticism (especially females). The Warrior Woman. Believes constant training and vigilance is key to survival. Encourages females to push themselves to be the strongest and most efficient fighting machines they can be.
Female dominated warrior societies, battle driven cultures

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