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Pantheons - Valar

Arien: Spiral of Fire Sun (Anar)
Fire, Strength, healing Sun Goddess. Queen of Fire Spirits. Most common worshiped by men. Supporter of those in need. Adversary of evil. Clerics wear yellow and temples are tall and white, often with open-air courtyards. 
Followers are commoners, rangers, healers   Aulë: Hammer and Anvil 
Dwarves, creation, smithing, engineering Value of making things that last. Beauty of rock and stone. NG Dwarves, smiths, craftsmen   Elesson: Red and Yellow Dao 
Balance, philosophy God of balance. Respects those who show respect for the Balance. Looks favorably on men. Seeks to find the truth hidden in riddles and illusions. Cannot let puzzles go unsolved. Gift of seeing the truth behind deceptions.
Followers are Sages, philosophers, seekers of lore   Estë: Silver chalice against cloud
Healing, rest, renewal Goddess of healing. Bane to undead. Encourages rest and renewal of body and soul.
Followers are Healers, Inn Keepers   Glaive: Black Iron Crown 
Smithcraft, Smiths of weapons and armor. Concerned with survival of dark races driven to extinction. War. 
Followers tend to be armor smiths, Dark races   Irmo: Pan Pipes
Bards, rogues, revelry, wine, humor, tricks. Keeper of Words. Traditional bardic educations. Preserving history in song. Delights in wine, women, and song. Often goes incognito. Appearance is that of brown haired man with rakish appearance. Is a vagabond and prankster.
Followers tend to be Rogues, bards, performers.   Koloro: Disk with curved line under inverted crescent (points down)
Horizons, Distance, Travelers Deity of Roads and Horizons. Protector of travelers regardless of Patron deities.
Followers are Travelers, Bards, Rangers   Manwë: Flying Eagle
Leader of Council of Valar appointed by Eru Iluvatar . Believes Endor should be left to develop on its own. Does not have mortal worshipers, but his Maiar do.
Followers are Valar, Maiar   Morgoth: Black Iron Crown
Conquest, genetic engineering. Believes in superiority of the strength of the Dark races and strives to continue strength through evolution.
Followers tend to be Warlords, Tyrants, Necromancers   N’Dáela: Black skull on yellow field
Disease, plagues, decay Plague goddess. Symbol became plague flag. Promises followers revenge for injustices done to them.
Followers tend to be those shunned due to disease / disfigurement or cults.   Námo / Mandos:  Skeletal Arm holding scales
Death. Presides over the passing of spirits. Guards those imprisoned to await judgement. Views undead as abominations. Clergy seek to sooth the dying and those left behind.
Followers tend to be Dying, grave diggers, mourners, hospice, undead hunters, necromancers (good aligned)   Nessa: Iron Crown
Dark Beasts. Sees wild beauty in creatures shunned by rest of Valar. Sees herself as their protector.
Followers tend to be Dark Creatures   Nienna: Labyrinth 
Strife, Insanity, Paranoia, hallucinations. Takes away hope, induces grief and suffering. Sees mortals as a blight. Can see into conscious of anyone she concentrates on.
Followers tend to be cults or chronically depressed / insane that have embraced their insanity.   Oromë: Stag
The Hunt, forest creatures. The Hunter. Passion for life and fondness for wilderness, elves, woods, and hunts. Hunted dark creatures with Tulkas in elder days.
Followers tend to be Wood elves, Messengers, rangers, trackers, archers   Ossë: conch shell
Coastal seas and river estuaries. Can be moody and violent. Taught ship building skills to Teleri elves. Will give knowledge to those who appreciate it.
Ship builders   Tilion: Sickle Moon
Moon (Isil), Night God of the Moon
Followers are Nocturnal beings, night travelers   Tulkas: Star of 4 spears and 4 maces
Strength, athletics, brawling, courage. Strong and fit should rule and protect the weaker.
Rigid Lawful-Good
Followers are Warriors, barbarians, gladiators   Uinen: Water Lily
Lakes and rivers. Goddess of freshwater lakes and rivers. Patron of freshwater creatures. Enemy of those who would pollute / harness / control rivers.
Followers are Druids, Freshwater creatures, those who make living off water   Ulmö: Trident
Oceans, ocean creatures Realm of ocean is primary concern. Second in power among male Valar. Mistrustful of men and those who seek to dominate the sea.
Followers are Sea Creatures and Sailors   Vaíre: Skull and scythe
Justice, Judgement Valar of Judgement and assassin for the gods. Can look into heart and tell true nature. Cannot run from past and must face consequences of actions. Can be called by gods to cast judgement and carry it out.
Rigid LG 
Followers are Paladins, Constables, Vigilantes   Varda: Crescent moon with 3 stars
Elves, arts, music, magic. Tend to be aloof from non-elven races. Clergy wear blue cloaks
Elves, half-elves   Witch-King: The Ring pierced by black spire
Secrets and intrigue. Human became lich became demi-god. Keeper of Secrets. Encourages followers to find enemy’s secret heart and exploit it. Admonishes to never reveal everything to anyone lest it be turned against you.
Followers are Wizards, necromancers, conspirators   Yilawen: Red Skull wreathed in flame
Death, law, magic Goddess of death and magic. Honor of ancestors and accomplishments of those who went before. Stunning woman dressed in beautiful gown.
Followers are Necromancers and wizards.   Yvanna: Tree of Life
Forests, woodlands, fertility Clergy wear forest green. Temples have living plants / trees.
Followers are Druids, rangers, farmers, Ents, and Warforged