Akabi the Magnificent

Akabi the Magnificent has spent many years travelling the planes in search of all manner of treasure and wonder to put him ahead of his fellow Noble Genies. His travels have led him to interact with many types of peoples and cultures, and he has picked up their mannerisms. His two favorites, so it seems, are the nine hells and the material plane. One he states, is "the greediest place full of all manner creature trying to one up each other, and the other is the nine hells."   He has made many a deal with mortals, and bids them to find treasure in his quest for power. He does this from his grand palace in the city of brass, which Akabi has filled with treasures and delicacies from every plane. Visitors from all over have marveled at everything from his floating palace bartered from Vlaakith herself, to the massive balor skull that hangs over his grand hall. Wizards seek out Akabi for ancient scrolls thought lost, and bards find him for instruments crafted by the most capable craftsmen in the feywild. Regardless of your need, Akabi the Magnificen has an answer.