Bolden Hogges

Droopy eared bugbear male, mid 50's. A previous member of The Iron Eye, who gave up everything to pay off his debts to leave the gang after it scared off his wife and child. Founded the Hogs as a second chance at a family and to help others in similar situations.   Has a delightfully chill fatherly vibe. Tries to stay chipper all the time, and it takes a lot to get on his nerves. Very loving and spends his days enjoying life and telling awful jokes. Enjoys a lot of rustic passtimes, kept and maintained a lovely garden, cooked almost every meal, always asking others to go fishing with him, ruthless at card games and dominoes.   Heathen spent probably the most time with him, especially in his younger years. Of the Hogges he definitely did the most raising and Heathen has a lot of his traits and blissful attitude. He probably started joining Heathen and Maya on their wacky little adventures just to “handle” any problems that came up. Maya thought it was lame having a chaperone but Heathen was always excited. He definitely spoiled the shit out of Heathen as a kid. I see it like this was probs his one chance to properly raise a child after losing his in the divorce so he did everything he could to cherish him and protect him from the evils he's seen (and probs done) firsthand. And Heathen's super naive outlook on everything is definitely a side effect of that.     Bolden has silly nicknames for all of the Hogges (except Cleo who he does not recognize as a Hog):   Heathen = Heath   Corretta = Cory   Maya = MyMy   Ubo = Beau   Armani = Manny   Buster = Bust
Aligned Organization