Idris Adu Al'Mu'um, The Grand Sultan

Grand Sultan of the City of Brass

The Grand Sultan of the city of brass within the plane of fire, Idris Abu Al'Mu'um has rule over the fire plane for centuries. He rose to power through schemeing and by cutting a deal with the archdevil Zariel for a legion of her best warriors to take on the former Sultan's place of power. Idris also u sed several deals cut with mortals who helped him steal a powerful crown from the sultan that kept him invincible.   He rarely reaches out to mortal souls since then, allowing his lesser noble genies to do most of the outsourcing to the material plane. Instead he has buried himself in his grand fortress, with loyal fighters surrounding him. It is said he is paranoid about his contract with the archdevil, even though he supposedly has already fulfilled his end of the bargain.
Divine Classification
Noble Genie