Jiraad, of The Orange Duke

Jiraad is a powerful Noble Genie of the Citadel of Ten Thousand Corals, within the Pearl City in the plane of water. He is known for his house of curio and items, retrieved from all different planes of existence. Because of this, Jaarid has acquired some favor with mortals and proxies for which he uses to accrue these goods. His curiosity however is a façade for ambitions for the Citadel of Ten Thousand Corals. Jaarid believes with enough of these magical items and far reaching slaves and servants, he will be able to the throne of the Pearl City as his own.   After all, it did work for him the first time, when he struck Alzu the Trickster, down in a duel to gain his dukedom with a magical dagger that had been crafted by The Wonderbringer in the outer planes and stolen by one of the Orange Duke's agents. Far traveling merchants, sailors and plane travelers are all called to Jaarid's service with the promise of great rewards.
Divine Classification
Noble Genie
Chaotic Neutral