Khur, the Living

Many claim to know the origin of Khur, but few really know the truth behind the immortal. However, all know he stalks the world for knowledge of the dead, and cults will spring up in his name challenging all those who serve the light. The unified version of his true origin is that once Khur was know as Silandrel, the powerful elven mage. Silandrel was a hero of the past, and many accredit him to unlocking many secrets tied to the weave of magic.   Silandrel saw the destruction around him during the War of Wrath of the good and dark. He sought a way to end his people's suffering and eventually turned towards the pursuit of immortal life himself. He poured over ancient texts and studied the chaos that formed the fabric of the world. Silandrel then turned his eye to the Shadowfell, and in particular Myrkul, The Lord of Bones. Khur, the LivingĀ  It was here that the powerful mage was able to achieve as goal, however at great costs to him. His sanity was twisted, and now preforms experiments in the Shadowfell on creatures from all planes. His experiements seek no ends now, and Khur has long since abandoned the ideals that set him on this path.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil