
The Lizardfolk, also known as Cold Ones, are cold-blooded, intelligent, reptilian humanoids. Long before the rise of Men, Elf or Dwarf, the empire of the Lizardfolk ruled supreme. Alien, enigmatic, and without mercy, the Lizardmen were there when it all began and will be there when the world draws its last dying breath, never tiring nor relenting until order is finally restored to this uncaring, chaotic world.    The rise of the Lizardfolk can be traced back to the great clashing of the Elemental Titans of the Old World. They were formed by a pair of Earth Titans who sought foot soldiers for their conquest. Lizardfolk became the wide-spread foot soldiers of the titan's who morphed their species to fit the different needs of the battle field. When the titan's needed generals and powerful magic users, they created the Slann. When they needed brutal undeterred savagery, they created the Tyrannosaurus Rex and other great dinosaurs. The lizardfolk filled the gaps, their adaptability and independence allowed them to fill many of the other roles in the Cold One's society.   When the Saurians were abandoned by their titan gods, and left to their own devices, the lizardfolk turned to the Slaad for guidance. Rife with power over the magic weave that had filled the world. In the void, the Saurian Lizardfolk took to conquering and bringing order to the land masses of Ardicil. The Lizardfolk touched all the corners of of the planet's continents, raising great cities and temples dedicated to the powerful Slann mage priests.    With their power unchecked, the power of the lizardfolk grew unchecked. Great magical constructs and weapons were crafted. Cold and calculating, the lizardfolk denied the power of divinity. They saw the chaos brought about due to the elemental planes, as well as the chaos brought on by the gods and their squabbles. Thus, the lizardfolk developed the means to wage war on the gods themselves, to fully separate the material plane from all other planes and influence.    They allied themselves with the powerful Triton, once great enemies of the Saurians and went about waging war on the gods. A war was raged against the gods and their followers that hit epic levels of devastation. This culminated in a great sundering that crushed the lizardfolk.    This devastation is still seen in the wastelands of the world.    Now, very few lizardfolk remain. The lizardfolk who do hide in the ruins of their former cities and grand temples. They remain as a hollow shell of what they once were. Now their ruins dot the continents of Ardicil, the lizardfolk within hiding and attacing those who try to loot the once great civilizations.    Often, Lizardfolk adventurers are those who have split off from their tribes for one reason or another. They might have been sent on a special mission to retrieve ancient artifacts, or maybe their commune finally collapsed and now they seek new purpose in this life.
Lizardfolk reach maturity around age 14 and rarely live longer than 60 years.
Average Height
Lizardfolk are a little bulkier and taller than humans, and their colorful frills make them appear even larger.