Lunastone Ring

The Lunastone Ring is unique, in that as a vestige, it was not crafted as a gifts from the gods themselves. Instead it was created by a sect of extremely powerful druids who charted the stars. They found the point at which Luna would channel the most energy from various different planes, and crafted the ring with the essence of not only the Astral Sea, but also the elemental planes of water and air into it. Upon finishing crafting the ring, it was wielded by the great champion of the stars, who was said to command the heavens above themselves, smiting enemies with the power of meteors and moonlight.   It has also known to have been adopted occasionally by those dedicated to Mystra, The Magicweaver in times of great need, who secretly blessed the ring before its completion.   It draws on wisdom based spellcasters because of the way it was crafted, and who was meant to use it. It requires a user to draw their power from the world around them directly, and thus must know how to channel energy that way properly.   Dormant:
  • You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws while wearing this ring.
  • When you reach 0 hit points, instead of going down the ring will flash with astral energy. You will fall to one hitpoint instead. This ability gains back one use at dawn.
  • You gain a +2 bonus to AC and saving throws while wearing this ring.
  • When you reach 0 hit points, instead of going down the ring will flash with astral energy. You fal to one hitpoin. Then you gain back 2d4 hit points. This ability gains back one use at dawn.
  • The ring has 2 charges (Spell Save DC of 16). As an action, you can cast Moonbeam (1 Charge) or Aura of Vitality (1 Charge) once per day. The ring regains 1d4 charges at dawn.
  • You gain a +3 bonus to AC and saving throws while wearing this ring.
  • When you reach 0 hit points, instead of going down the ring will flash with astral energy. You fal to one hitpoin. Then you gain back 2d8 hit points. This ability gains back one use at dawn.
  • The ring has 6 charges (Spell Save DC of 18). As an action, you can cast Moonbeam (1 Charge), Aura of Vitality (1 Charge), Circle of Power (2 Charges), Resilient Sphere (2 Charges), Dispel Evil and Good, (3 Charges) or Crown of Stars (6 Charges). The ring regains 1d4 + 2 charges at dawn.
Item type