
Orcs are a fierce and nomadic people, who are a strong and prideful people. Prejudice of eons past have led many to view orcs of a barbaric and savage people, however this is frankly untrue. If anything the Orcish people of the world have been forced to survive in the most inhospitable and dangerous places of the world, a by-product of their role in wars of eons past. This has caused the orcs to shape their culture around these hostile environments, where might protects the ones you love from death and destruction, and a heavy fist is needed to keep the clan alive.   This prejudice has long since passed, and many of the nations of the world have begun to accept the orcs into their societies. There are some clans who still cling to the old ways and view their civilized brethren as weak and tame. These clans roam the wastes of the Badlands, Morgol, and Volksgrad alongside humans and others who each view the chaos of the wilds as the true form of Ardicil.