Nuramite Material in Ardras | World Anvil


"The Sundering caused devastating shockwaves through the earth, a blast of nura so powerful that it collapsed the first human empires. That power still resides, in little ways, within the earth in pockets of ordinary looking stones, called nuramite."   -Human Nuramite Miner-


Material Characteristics

Mundane grey stone with a subtle charge of magical energy

Geology & Geography

Dispersed throughout the lands of Ardras, relatively uncommon

History & Usage


Found shortly in the aftermath of The Sundering, nuramite stones were a great resource that humans used to employ the use of magic for the laymen, easily accepting and charging magic runes with energy. Their relatively common availability has cemented their use throughout Lithosian history.   Sometime in the mid Era of Dusk, a large pocket of pure nuramite was discovered in the cliffsides of the Mageguard Cliffs and Ozzara lakes region. The village of Nuramite Village was established to take advantage of this new boom economy, attracting prospectors and merchants for several centuries until the mine was depleted of all its resources.

Everyday use

Nuramite is especially favored by Lithosian craftsmen as it is a great and affordable stone which can easily retain the magical energy used in their society. This common stone is used for anything from building material, sculptures, pedestals, altars, and a tremendous amount of other magical uses.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Nuramite, though being largely an Aristolian export, is widely used across Lithos, and is most commonly associated with numerous minor rituals and household decor. Lithosians who teach magic will use boards made of smoothed nuramite and write on them with chalk to instruct young mages in the art of magic.


Trade & Market

Because nuramite has a subtle charge of nura, it makes it especially useful in magic and other esoteric arts. Nuramite can be ground into a powder and used in rituals, incantations, or as a channeling element for glyphs and transmuation circles.   Nuramite stones in Lithos are shaped and polished into orbs as household decorative items like a centerpiece or a desktop artifact. Some individuals carve runes into the stones to practice magic, and nuramite slates are regularly used in the practices of Erudism. Nuramite is especially common in the footsteps of the Mageguard Cliffs region, making it a hot commodity for Aristolian quarrymen to sell over the mountains.


No special storage is necessary for nuramite to retain its subtle magical energy, however because of it's mundane appearance and similarity to common stone, they are often kept seperate or held in clearly labeled storage containers such as crates.

Law & Regulation

Nuramite lacks any truly potent magical energy to be considered dangerous, and so it's trade and distribution is often tied to whatever the local masonry marketplace calls for and the associated rules and regulations.
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