Aemiira Eskmai o Wulk Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Aemiira Eskmai o Wulk

Princess Aemiira Wulk

Daughter of King Otgam Wulk and Queen Doola Eskmai.   Wed to Dullan Eskmai, her cousin on her mother's side. Mother to Daggard, who would die in Aormek's Rebellion. Mother to Duluchar, who sailed west across the Triangle Sea. Mother to Daaran, who would inherit the lordship.   Aemiira was about ten years of age during the War of East and West, and was already betrothed to Dullan, son of Lord Doolan the Mox Master of Dubraigh (and brother to her own mother, Queen Doola). At the time, Starton was the seat of Clan Eskmai, and it was there she had lived since her betrothal at eight years. She would come to Saolmoth for the first year or so of King Otgam's reign, but was soon after taken west to Dubraigh to be with her betrothed Dullan, who had recently come to the port city to serve and study under his lord father the Mox Master. She would live there for the rest of her life.   Aemiira was a famously quiet and withdrawn woman, always keeping her own counsel. She was something of a hunter, accompanying her mother-by-law Lady Felaen into the Fiirwood for a week at a time, accompanied by a team of Mox Men who came to be known as the Queens' Guard. Neither Lady Felaen nor Princess Aemiira were ever queens, of course, but Clan Eskmai had grown so powerful, and the Wulks continued to rule from Saolmoth, so much pride gathered around them. This would change when Ollaugh the Red succeeded his father King Otgam and, two years later in 746 RA, finally took up the royal seat in Dubraigh.   Princess Aemiira would live another twenty-two years after this, yet she seems to vanish once Ollaugh comes to Dubraigh. It is assumed that, like many others, she did her utmost to avoid drawing the vicious king's attention. An effective strategy, it would seem, as she would die in her bed at seven-and-forty, having born three strong sons and seemingly securing the future of the second-most powerful clan in the West.


Family Ties

4721 4768 47 years old
Light blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Character Portrait image: by JD Medaeris with Portrait Workshop