Baabdra Graunt Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Baabdra Graunt

Second daughter and third child of Parthan Graunt and Unaara Siir .   Baabdra was a speller and musician who prayed to both the Hosts and the Deinain at various points in her youth. It was rumored she would climb up to the bell tower of the Moon Hall and hide away for days at a time, contemplating the mysteries of the skies and the names of the night. She was often silent, withdrawn, and would even retreat when some spoke to her, but on religious subjects she would open up, discoursing so rapidly as to trip over her tongue at times.   Baabdra never outgrew this withdrawn nature. Neither she nor her younger sister Ghilian wished to be wed, but while Ghilian would invariable wilt under her parents' commands and eventually was given to Sir Artimus Griivan, Baabdra simply left the room whenever an eligible man was presented to her. There were whispers about her and one or two of the castle spellers, but it was ultimately found that Baabdra simply had no interest in other people.   It was in her early adolescence when Baabdra began traveling down the Nightfall and into the Fiirwood. Though the banks of the River Nightfall are among the safest parts of the forest, they retain a ghastly reputation, as the river itself is named after the Great River Nightfall, which dead souls supposedly cross into the afterlife. Though many Siiari still live in the Fiirwood in tiny clans, more civilized Westerners know better than to wander into the forest by themselves. Yet Baabdra supposedly made this journey dozens of times, by herself, walking as far south as Malbrand on the opposite bank, and farther, deeper, to the shore of the Dark Cape, where she communed with otherworldly spirits.   In adulthood, Baabdra's personal history vanishes. She started the Craam Nechtren, or Kin of Nechtren, a small coven of occultists who worshipped unknown deities, thought to be some combination of the Hosts and the Deinain. Rumors swirled that they were performing dark rites in the forests, stealing babies, cavorting with the Aernigh, some would claim they plotted to overthrow Saolmoth or even King Bethraal himself. Of course, none of this talk was ever substantiated, and the King would die of Springlight Fever in 71 NA.   Baabdra Graunt, meanwhile, would suffer a thoroughly unsurprising fate in 59 NA. Like so many before her, she vanished in the Fiirwood. Some of her acolytes would turn to banditry, some would vanish with her, but most simply returned to their lives: working the fields, repairing roofs, serving the great clans, living.
5026 5059 33 years old
Character Portrait image: by JD Medaeris with Portrait Workshop