Benraigh Luun

Benraigh Luun (a.k.a. Ben)

Second son of Lord Rodraigh Luun, chief of Clan Luun, and Lady Maira Maraigh. Ward of Bennerog the Black Boar and his second wife Helessa Sinachar.   Benraigh, called Ben, was given to Bennerog after Lord Rodraigh was accused of supporting a Siiari uprising, which had been put down by Prince Bennerog. Lord Rodraigh challenged Prince Bennerog to hollymock, but on the morning of the battle the Prince became deathly ill. Bennerog was insistent that he could still fight and refused to let anyone fight in his place. Lord Rodraigh, not wishing to battle a man at such obvious disadvantage, prevailed upon the other lords present to find another solution. This would end with him granting his second son Benraigh as ward to Prince Bennerog. Though seemingly a great penalty for a man who insisted upon his innocence, Rodraigh had two more sons, and Clan Luun was a minor family that could otherwise never hope to connect with Clan Beth.   These events took place late in the year 115 NA, when young Benraigh was three. Prince Bennerog had recently lost his first wife and his firstborn son, and many suspect this played a large role in his agreement to the wardship.


Family Ties

Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
5112 15 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations

Character Portrait image: by JD Medaeris with Portrait Workshop