Beylan (Zaljan)

Beylans are the head governing force of a town and city in Zalja (as well as Khabar). They collect and administer taxes and defense, reporting directly to the Khan.   For the most part, Beylans are directly appointed by the Khan and serve for life or until recalled by the Khan. This means that the leaders of most towns do not have any inherent connection to the settlement where they rule. Wise Khans appoint Beylans that are well educated in the territory, or indeed who actually live there.   There are a few Beylans that are not appointed by the Khan, however. Prefects, who hold authority over prefectures, serve as the effective Beylan of the settlements from which they rule.   It is worth noting that, unlike the more feudalistic Monos and Milos to the east, and to a lesser extent Khabar to the south, Zaljan 'heraldry' belongs to a settlement and not to a family. Even the sigil of the Crystal Capitol of Tsen Ikha, the Storm Kite, belongs not to the Fashmarum family but to the city itself. Wars have been fought over this, and Zalja has definitively made clear that these powerful symbols do not belong to individuals.
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