Eleina Beth

Called Blue Eleina

Princess Eleina Beth

Second daughter to King Bethraal the Beloved and Queen Ghiselda   Eleina would slay her mother during her birth, and would grow with a dour demeanor, earning her the title Blue Eleina.   She was wed to Sir Stravant Dylaen in 110, though it was widely said there was no love in the match. They bore a single child, Bartimus the Bereaved. Sir Stravant died in a tourney mishap in 113.   She was then wed to Sir Cadagar Maan in 116. It was said Sir Cadagar loved her warmly, yet she offered no affection in return. They bore no children, and Sir Cadagar died in 122, falling into the Roywell whilst drunk. Those who knew Sir Cadagar said it was well within his character to be drunk of a night, and not at all unusual to stagger near a well or a pit or a brothel or a sty, yet even so Blue Eleina began to develop a reputation.   There currently are plans to wed Eleina to the squire Toma Capall, once he comes of age.   Blue Eleina is said to wander the parapets of the Boarsden at night, though guards are strictly admonished to keep the royal family off the walls since the death of Bartimus the Bereaved. Many call her mad, and as she speaks to few, none can say who or what she truly is.


Family Ties

Year of Birth
5090 37 Years old
Dark Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by JD Medaeris with Armoria