Fogmarks Condition in Ardre | World Anvil


Fogmarks are tiny growths, bumps, that appear on the skin of a person after protracted exposure to brume. These marks are typically found under someone's eyes, usually in rough semicircles of four or sometimes five, and less frequently in roughly straight lines along the jawline. In particularly severe cases, fogmarks can be found all over the body, especially at points with relatively little fat or muscle: the forehead, joints, feet, collarbone, and so forth, and rumors frequently circulate of extremely rare persons completely covered in tiny, needlepoint welts. Fogmarks vary in consistency, with most feeling simply like fleshy bumps, with with some having a rubbery consistency, and with rare unfortunates having thicker, almost scabby or even bonelike growths, often pallidly discolored.   Fogmarks have no known negative effects on a person, of course, nor are they thought to be contagious, even by touch. Nevertheless, being indicators of exposure to brume, those bearing fogmarks are often viewed cautiously by societies largely without. In particular, areas with large overland brume, such as Milos, can see entire peoples identified by the severity of their fogmarks, based on their geographical distribution and their proximity to brumestones. In particular, fogmarks become a way of distinguishing the poor from the moneyed, as well as more rural peoples such as the Siiari, Rathi, and especially the Sublimites, from peoples with greater access to brumestones, such as the Ethels, the Yvrulians, and the Urudunite (this latter being especially vital, as the large amount of brume generated by the Lochs of Urudun would likely produce enormous levels of fogmarking without their strong access to brumestones).


Fogmarks can be cut off, though this often leaves unsightly scars. Moreover, since most fogmarks are the result of living conditions, they are likely to return within a few months or even weeks of removal. A lively industry exists among bards and unscrupulous leachers, peddling potions and peints that can supposedly cure fogmarks, but no true treatment is known.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital