Ghilart Wulk Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Ghilart Wulk

Prince Ghilart Wulk

Son of King Otgam Wulk and Queen Gretan Faolan.   Prince Ghilart was the King Otgam's second son with Queen Gretan, his favorite of three wives (multiple wives being common among great Western lords back before the second Rule of Ainros). He had lived a charmed life until his father died and the crown passed to Ghilart's half-brother, Ollaugh the Werewolf, who hated Queen Gretan and all her children.   Queen Gretan would die of a chill in 759 RA, when Ghilart was only seventeen. Frustrated and angry, the boy stormed into the King Ollaugh's chambers and insisted his mother had died of poor upkeep, that her chambers were unworthy even of a stableboy. The King, then a man of three-and-forty, boxed the boy's ears and sent him away. That night, the two would happen upon each other and, both drunk, engage in a brawl, wherein the King killed the young prince, supposedly by crushing his windpipe. When the King's uncle and close adviser Conrac Wulk objected that the prince was only seventeen, King Ollaugh responded "I had won a war at that age, and killed a thousand men." Nothing more was said on the matter.


Family Ties

4742 4759 17 years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization