Naterio - 144th King of Kings

Of the Feylder Dynasty [Sigil: A White Horse, Wreathed in Yellow Flame, on a Blue and Green Field]
[928 RA]   Naterio’s “reign” is but a footnote in the annals of the Scion War. He elected to take his seat in Geumsil, so as to be far enough north to keep an eye on his new ally, the Black Manticore Pais III. He was not in Geumsil for a fortnight, however, before the vanished King Tyrantis fell upon the city from the east. With Tyrantis was Prince Jon, who had vanished into Samaya, as well as a great host of bizarre mercenaries called Eyschers. These colorfully-dressed men (and they were all men) were not Samayans, but in fact Eyschmen from the island nation of Eysland, which had been gaining great footholds on the eastern coast. Jon’s army was greatly diminished, but there were still magicians among them. Yet the principal butchery was committed by these terrifying Eyschers: each one more brutally depraved than the last. They used civilians as human shields, they hacked off body parts and used the dying soldiers to distract new opponents, many began looting and pillaging before the battle was done yet remained keen enough to put a knife through the eye of anyone who might sneak up on them. It was said “The Devils have returned to Geumsil,” a reference to the mad zealot King Dalabar the Second.   Naterio managed to flee all the way to Vargano with a skeleton crew of fighters. He had the riches King Warren had sacked from Acciano, and he hoped to hire more mercenaries in the great port city. Tyrantis and his Eyschers pursued him whilst Jon and his Vainans turned north to retake Northern Monos from Pais III. Tyrantis’ Eyschers brutally sacked Coredillo and every village and town they crossed on the way to Vargano, loudly claiming they were trying to root Naterio out of hiding. No one really knew who Tyrantis was at this point, so most civilians saw only a foreign army of brutal killers raiding their towns, and King Naterio doing nothing to stop it. Naterio had raised many more mercenaries by the time Tyrantis’ Eyschers descended on him, yet it did no good. Naterio had fortified the town, yet the Eyschers scaled and flew over the walls like the monkeys of Terminallia, viciously sacking the city. It was three days before King Naterio’s corpse was found, stabbed twenty-seven times. His crown was missing, but Tyrantis had his own.