Norshan Graunt Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Norshan Graunt

Lord Norshan Graunt

Lord of Saolmoth during the reigns of King Collium the Constant and King Dorreon the Magnificent.   Lord Norshan had either a dry or sour wit, depending on whom one asked. He became lord of Saolmoth at four-and-thirty, when his father Lord Norris was slain with Bennerog the Green Boar at the Pass of Peril, but he had already been running the household since his father left on the campaign. It was unusual for a man nearing fifty years to ride off to war whilst his firstborn son, a man grown and well, stayed behind, but lest any think Lord Norshan a coward, it should be noted that he put down two minor rebellions whilst ruling under his father, and personally rode out to execute several bandits in the Fiirwood.   Of course, Lord Norshan is more commonly remembered for his service at Revelback, where he acted as Treasurer for two kings, if just barely. He served King Collium for nearly a year-and-a-half before the King died in his sleep in the Winter of 940 RA. King Dorreon, Collium's son, retained Lord Norshan as Treasurer. Dorreon was generally seen as a good judge of character, and he had his shrewd wife Queen Flaithe and the cunning Mox Master Golbran Oishlog supporting him. It should also be noted none of these three people were terribly fond of Lord Norshan, with Golbran Oishlog famously referring to him as "a man whose japes are more sour than his frowns." It must then be concluded that the man was excellent at his job.   Nevertheless, like all powerful men, he had his enemies. Lord Norshan was accused of secretly funneling royal taxes to Saolmoth, where his brother Arrak reigned in his place. Lord Norshan challenged the accuser, Sir Caleb Maan, to Hollymock, and prevailed against him. Sir Caleb was an older knight, near forty years of age, yet Graunt was older still, and his victory won him much acclaim among the warriors of Revelback.   Lord Norshan would serve as Mox Master for a little over a year, following the Tragedy of High Helessa. His manner clashed mightily with the King's uncle, Prince Dorren, so much so that Prince Dorren would make a pilgrimage north all the way into Monos, where he was slain in holy war in 955 RA. Lord Norshan, meanwhile, would retire as Mox Master in late 949 RA, citing his age.   His timing was wise, for not long after he reassumed his lordship, tensions began to elevate between Eastern and Western Revellia. Being the masters of the gateway between East and West, it was ever the thankless challenge of the Lords of Graunt to determine which of these two factions was in the right and thus worthy of their support. Lord Norshan backed the Westerners, and thus found himself pitted against the King during the riots and skirmishes leading up to the Century War.   Though he would not live to see the Fall of Monarchy, Lord Norshan famously bragged of outliving King Dorreon, whom he called "too foolish and too proud."   Norshan Graunt died of his years in 965 RA. He was succeeded by his great grandson Raugham, his other heirs having died in the Century War.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Saolmoth (933 RA - 965 RA)
Royal Treasurer (939 RA - 948 RA)
Mox Master (948 RA - 949 RA)
4899 4965 66 years old
Dark Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Character Portrait image: Lord Norshan by DALL-E