Ollinaar Wulk Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Ollinaar Wulk

Prince Ollinaar Wulk

Second son of King Otgam Wulk with his first wife, Queen Doola Eskmai.   Very little is known of Ollinaar, save that he was ever at the side of his brother, Ollaugh the Savage after the Rule of the West began. Ollinaar himself did not fight in the War of East and West, but he did not shy away from violence ever after in service to his brother the prince and later king.   Ollinaar could not rightly be called Ollaugh's closed companion, a role filled by Lord Sairas Graunt in his early life, and his half-brother Conrac (son of Otgam and his second and most respected wife, Queen Aemai Wulk). Yet he was always by his side, a dim and oft silent shadow, ready to kill at his brother's command and little else.   According to legend, Ollinaar died protecting his nephew King Orman Wulk in the Fiirwood Rout during Garland's Conquest.


Family Ties

4718 4774 56 years old
Dark Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization