Sithindadri Ethnicity in Ardre | World Anvil


The Sithindadri are the holders of Forh Vylkun and Forh Rheodzah, two great fortresses that guard Vorhikadh Yash, a pass near the middle of the Yash Bayakar Mountain Range.   Little is known of the Sithindadri, for their sole ambition seems to be the repelling of all visitors to their fortresses. They are called ancient and primitive by most, yet they are tall, disciplined, and possess an advanced language. A bare few scholars and merchants have managed to communicate roughly with them, but still very few of their secrets are known.   The two fortresses were built behind a pair of enormous limestone sphinxes that appear to have existed long before the Sithindadri and their fortresses. These sphinxes are leonine, serpentine, and aquiline at once, with Forh Vylkun's Sphinx bearing a ram's horns and Forh Rheodzah's bearing a bull's. They are a wonder to behold, yet few witnesses point out these cyclopian statues were built facing west, suggesting that they may have been constructed to ward off something that lived (or still lives) in the Farther West.   The Sithindadri are accomplished archers, using great bows of unknown wood that can supposedly fire long arrows over two miles in distance. A few of their warriors ride bulls, similar to the Yorqora in Northern Olveiria, though they are nowhere near as skilled in this regard. Their complexion has been noted as darker even than the Sunaese, causing many to connect them with the Luharese on the central eastern coast. Given the distance and differences between these two admittedly mysterious peoples, however, any such connection seems unlikely.