Wiilam Graunt Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Wiilam Graunt

Called the Gatemaster

Lord Wiilam Graunt

Lord Wiilam Graunt was still the Lord Protector of his nephew Norshan during the Four Crowns. Norshan was in his majority, but had been sickly and frail since his youth, and was so oft confined to bed that Wiilam continued to rule Saolmoth until his own death, at which point his seat passed to his own son, Owain. By that time, Norshan had perished from a Winter chill.   Though he was no warrior and never left his city during the Four Crowns, Wiilam's strong control of Saolmoth was vitally important. Only Princess Kirin Luutar and her Western Army was capable of crossing the Nightfall outside of Lord Wiilam's authority, greatly limiting the mobility of Prince Harek's Royalist army, and to a lesser extent Lord Jonah Slabh's Urudunite Army. Some have speculated that this would lead directly to the alliance between Brother Aaran Dylaen (whom Lord Wiilam served) and Princess Kirin toward the war's end.


Family Ties

4932 4996 64 years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization