Baalam - Jaguar

Jaguar god of the dead, he looks after the soul on its journey to the underworld.

Alignment: Lawful Good

Suggested Domain: Death, Protection

Symbol: Jaguar

Description: Baalam is one of five Jaguar gods whose role is to protect people from evil and spirits. Baalam's role is to escort the soul of the newly departed to the underworld, protecting it along the way from evil spirits so they arrive unharmed. When Baalam and the other four jaguar gods are protecting a human settlement the other Jaguar gods guard the four cardinal directions and Baalam sits in the center of the settlement and directs the other four. When Baalam is seen by the dying he is a massive jaguar sitting next to them protectively. When they pass he will walk with them to the underworld and in some cases, mostly children and the infirm, he will let the soul ride on his back.


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