Camatz - Death

Bat god of death, reaper of souls.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Suggested Domain: Death

Symbol: Head of the vampire bat

Description: Camatz is the god responsible for the soul leaving the body. While terrifying to behold, Camatz was no ill will toward anyone, instead playing a crucial role in the souls journey to the underworld. Camatz is depicted as a giant leaf-nosed vampire bat. When a person dies, it is Camatz who swoops down from the sky to bite through the connection between the body and the soul, thus releasing it for its journey to the underworld. Camatz lives in a giant cave that serves as the entrance to the underworld. The primary worship of Camatz is a mystery cult of assassination, the members of the mystery cult all carry a specific obsidian blade that is created in the main temple itself. This blade is always used in some way for each assassination carried out by the cult, preferably the death blow if at all possible. All of the primary worshipers of the mystery cult are or had been assassins and are assigned their targets by the church itself. The majority of the mystery cult worshipers are of high caste. As a result most of the targets for assassination are known to the highest levels of government. The majority of people in Michocan are unaware of the mystery cult. Worship of Camatzotz by the common people is an attempt to appease him so they the worshiper will have a long life.

Tlatzahui: Taking of the glass knife

Within the Camatz mystery cult when an adept has achieved the level to perform ritual assassinations the rite of Tlatzahui is performed. The participant is ritually cleansed of their former life and given sacred tattoos representing their devotion to Camatz. After the tattooing the recipient is dressed in the ceremonial robes depicting the image of Camatz and presented with the Tzanatli (Glass Knife). It is at this point that the participant is now considered to be a sacred assassin and is capable of performing the works of Camatz. After the Tlatzahui is performed the recipient is now considered a junior priest and moves to the Priest Temple complex.
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Ritual cleansing:

All ritual cleansing starts with a trip to the Tebazjal. A dome shaped sweat-lodge that is found in every Ritual Purification Complex. The ritual is conducted by special priests whose only job is performing this ritual. Once this is performed the participant can now enter a temple to conduct whatever ceremonies they are there for.


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