
In Chit'lam, the religion of the Michocano people, all of nature is sacred, all things have K'uh (sacred power). Chitlam is a complex collection of rituals and practices performed at sacred locations on significant dates pertaining to an associated deity. Chitlam teaches that all things are cyclical and that the world has already been through five iterations, each iteration ending by catastrophy.


In the beginning there was the void. From the void sprang the world, but it was new and didn't have any gods or people on it. The gods came from beyond the void and found the world. The gods liking the world came down from the heavens in a flying temple and planted the the Chei'ba or Tree of Life. The gods lived on the world for a while, making it more hospitable for themselves. After a while the gods wanted a people to live with so they created the races and all was peaceful for a time. After a time the first people became greedy and selfish, destroying the world around them for their own benefit. The gods saw this and decided to start again so the first people were destroyed. The gods sent a ball of fire to strike the world and burn off the people, but some survived. This was the end of the first world.

Some of the people who survived the first world were changed so the gods decided to give them a second chance. The people of the second world were of the serpent, born of Dragons. At first they lived in harmony with the world, but eventually they became selfish and decided to rule over the whole world. Once again greed and selfishness became the rule of law. The gods saw this and decided to send a flood to wash away the wickedness, but some of the people survived. This was the end of the second world.

Some of those that survived the end of the second world were changed so the gods decided to see if they had learned their lessons. The people of the third world were of the trees, they were the races of the elves. The people of the trees lived in harmony with nature, but they could not abide the other races and made war against them. This angered the gods, so the gods froze the world in ice and dimmed the sun. Some of the the people survived. This was the end of the third world.

Some of the people that survived the end of the third world were changed so the gods decided to see how they would fare in this world of ice and snow. The people of the fourth world were of the sand and mountains, they were the Oristani. The sand and mountain people lived in harmony with the land, constantly moving so they would not strip the land of its resources, but they could not abide the way the other races treated the land so they made war. The war lasted many generations. This angered the gods, so the gods sent beasts and monsters to kill the people. Some of the people survived. This was the end of the fourth world.

Some of the people that survived the end of the fourth world were changed so the gods decided to give them a chance and see how they lived. The people of the fifth world were of the beast, they were the Ashfan. The beast people lived in harmony with the land and built many marvelous devices and machines, but after a time they sought dominion over the K'uh. This angered the gods, so the gods shattered the people and broke them into many pieces. Some of the people survived. This was the end of the fifth world.

Some of the people that survived the end of the fifth world were changed so the gods decided to watch them carefully. The people of the sixth world are the shorter races, the Haflalan, the Zwerlinger, and the Batangi. The people of this world were hateful of each other and they made a war that encompassed the entire world. This displeased the gods, but before the gods could destroy the world the many peoples came together and made peace. This surprised the gods, so the gods sit and watch us to this day. This is the sixth world. It is the world we see around us. So far the peace has held and it is the responsibilty of Michocano people, the people of the gods, to watch over the treasures of the world and make the sacred glass to see the other worlds the gods have made.

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