Education in Oristan

There is no formal education among the tribes of Oristan. Knowledge is passed down through a system of apprenticeship. Most Oristani are illiterate and only professions requiring reading and writing will teach these skills. Occasionally an individual family will place importance on education and will teach their children to read and write and the basic fundamentals, i.e. mathematics, etc. While formal education is non-existant in Oristan, it is important to note that all Oristani have increadible photographic memory and will require minimal instruction to pick up a new skill.

As an example of the Oristani memory a shaman, who needs to have extensive plant lore, will have encyclopedic knowledge of every plant they encounter. Also, the half-Oristani that go to explore the world will be able to recall everything they have seen, heard, and experienced in their travells. This can be somewhat alarming to those not experienced with this as a half-Oristani will only need to be shown something once before they will have it memorized. Consequently, this can give the impression that the Oristani and half-Oristani are far more intelligent than they appear. While it takes next to no time for an Oristani to pick up something, their understanding of the subject matter is another thing. An Oristani could learn to build a boat in a week at the most, but they would not understand why all the parts have to be shape they are. Consequently the Oristani are not very good innovators.
Education, Faculty


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