Master of Coins, Dajhik Kha

Master of Coins Dajhik Kha (a.k.a. Grandmother (to those she likes), Revered Mother otherwise)

Master of Coins is the overseer of all trade and markets in the capitol city of Khaliun.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very old, no one is sure how old (no one is stupid enough to ask), and very thin. She conveys an aura that she could tear your arms off your body if so disposed.

Body Features

Dajhik appears as a very thin old woman with a slight stoop. To the trained eye she is very muscular, seemingly made of whipchord and sinew.

Facial Features

Very severe expression. She gives the impression that she is judging every thing you say and do and does not approve.

Identifying Characteristics

Always seen walking with her characteristic artisticly carved cane of cadana wood. She doesn't need it, she likes it because it was a gift from one of her grandchildren. It is very sturdy and she has been seen brandishing it as a sturdy weapon.

Physical quirks

Dajhik walks very slowly with her cane. To those walking with her it can be very infuriating. it is assumed that it is because she is so old, in reality she just likes to take her time. In her youth she was the fastest runner in her tribe.

Special abilities

Dajhik has the unerring ability to assess ones economic wealth by sight alone. She has never been wrong and has been the bane of crooked merchants as long as can be remembered.

Apparel & Accessories

Dajhik wears simple but brightly colored fine robes. She prefers fine quality fabric, but prefers simple styles. She likes to decorate everything with small shells and gemstone beads.

Specialized Equipment

She carries a beautifly carved cane made of imported cadana wood from Kishnagar. It was a gift from one of her grandchildren. The cane itself is very sturdy and can be used as a very effective weapon. The carvings are of desert hawks, known for their excellent vision.

Personality Characteristics


Dajhik is motivated by simple brutal honesty. As the Master of Coins has striven to make sure all trade is equitable and honest. Her treatment of any dishonest or corrupt merchants she encounters is severe and swift. She has been known to drive trade ambassadors out into the streets of Khaliun by beating them with her cane.
60's? No one ever counted and it's rude to ask
Sharp looking steely grey eyes
Waist long red braids with shell and gemstone beads
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark ocher skin with light freckles, very wrinkled
4' 9"


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