Naran Dargra Shildeg Okhin

Great Cheiftan, First of Many Shildeg Tenzin Okhin

Naran Dargra - High Cheiftan of the Tribes of Oristan   Alignment:Neutral Good   AC: 12 HP: 135 (30xd8+0) Speed: 30' (9m/6sqr) Proficiency: +3   STR: 18(+6) DEX: 12(+1) CON: 10(+0) INT: 14(+2) WIS: 14(+2) CHA: 18(+4)   Skills: Intimidation +7 Deception +7 Persuasion +7 History +5 Insight +5 Saving Throws: Charisma +7 Intelligence +5 Challenge: 3 (700 XP)   Actions: Multiattack.The Aristocrat makes four weapon melee attacks or four ranged attacks. Quarterstaff.Melee Weapon Attack +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 +1 ) bludgeoning damage. Properties: Versatile (1d8), It's actually a walking stick. Special Abilities: Noble Family: Born of a influent tribe that has had several high chieftans. She is usually surrounded by guards or servants of trust. A crime against Them will certanly draw the houses attention and probably the the entire tribe itself. Money can buy anything: Due to her high social influence he can do some downtime activities (DMG 131) on half of a common time. This applies to Sowing Rumors and Buying magic items. Also when running a business she gains a bonus equal to the rolls equals to his charisma attribute value.   Racial Features Ability Mods: +2 Str, -2 Int Aggressiive: As a bonus action, the creature can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see. Menacing: You have proficiency in the intimidate skill. (even if DMG didn't say so, all the orcs on MM got intimidation) Darkvision: 60ft (18m / 12sqr) Languages: speaks Kishnagari, Michocano, Zwergin, and Oristani.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

8" tall with very muscular build, but gives the impression of being very dextrous. Piercing golden eyes show a very sharp intellect. She radiates intensity.

Body Features

Very muscular build that conveys a great physical strength. She has very thick muscular biceps and thighs. Physically she is a very imposing sight.

Facial Features

Broad features with a square jawline and large golden eyes, high cheekbones, and a strong chin. It has been remarked by many foreign diplomats that she would be less intimidating if she were a male. Even her relaxed smile has made many foreigners nervous.

Physical quirks

She naturally walks silently with a fluid grace that has been compared to a hunting tiger by a Kishnagari diplomat.

Special abilities

Shildeg is very aware of her reputation of being intimidating and imposing and uses it to her advantage whenever possible.

Apparel & Accessories

Shildeg's preference in clothing is for simple and she tends to forgo patterns in her fabrics, which is at odds with the general Oristani prefernce for bold patterns and mismatched colors.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

While she considers herself to be very feminine by Oristani values, she also feels that she must be a full reflection of her people. Consequently she is a formidible and terrifying warrior, an accomplished artist, and a wise and knowledgable leader. As a result her gender identity as an Oristani does tend to be masked by her self image as a ruler of many varied tribes.


Shildeg is a very sexual being, but she has always put the needs of her people first. She does have several consorts, but she considers them to be a neccessary diversion rather something to be passionate about. She has long since decided that she will wait until she finds a suitable mate to fully express her sensuality and sexuality. At heart she is deeply romantic and looks forward to doting on her future husband.


Shildeg has no formal education, however she has read every book she could get her hands on. She taught herself to speak and read Kishnagari, Zwergin, Michocano, as well as very dialect of Oristani. She is currently teaching herself Ashfani.

She has a very sharp intellect and due to her propensity for reading has a broad knowledge base. Her favorite subject to read about is the wildlife of Ardu and has a passion for the smaller creatures. She is also fascinated by majic. While she has no majic talent to speak of she is very knowlegable on the subject.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Shildeg has a well deserved reputation as a settler of disputes, either through diplomacy or intimidation. Her reputation has earned her the respect of her people as well as a modicum of fear. It is said that when she was young her family was travelling through Zwergin territory. Her caravan was attacked and she had to defend herself against five Zwergin fighters. Rumor says she tore the arm off one of them and beat the others to death. The rumor is true, but she almost died in the encounter and took several months to heal.

Failures & Embarrassments

As a High Chieftan, Shiled constantly worries about being taken advantage of as well as being good enough for her people. She has a bad habit of mentally replaying every shortcoming or poor decision on her part. This has driven her to be the best at everything she puts her hand to, she will accept nothing less. It is because of this that she seems to radiate an intimidating intenseness. She must always be better, stronger, faster, and smarter than those around her. Luckily this is tempered by her devotion to her role as the leader of her people, so rather than beng percieved as a tyrant she is seen as a paragon by her people.

Mental Trauma

Due to the incident when her family caravan was ambushed by Zwergin mercenaries when she was young, she has trained almost constantly in any form of fighting she can learn. It also was the main drive for her immense physique, she will never be taken in combat. She has used that feeling of helplessness to drive herself to the extent she has. Never wanting to feel helplessness for herself or her people ever again.

Unfortunately becauswe of the incident she also has a deep distrust of Zwergin. Considering them to be decietful and sneaky, always wanting to take advantage. She realizes this and tries to temper her distrust when dealing with Zwergin diplomats, with mixed results. She is more forgiving to Zwergin who go out of their way to honor Oristani customs.

Personality Characteristics


Shildeg cares most about the welfare of her people.

Likes & Dislikes

Shildeg has real preference for the "finer things". She has a marked taste for traditional Kishnagari tea. She even has a full tea set imported from Alkhadharam including a small charcoal brazier for boiling water in the teapot. She prefers Kishnagari tea over khav (a traditional Oristani drink made from special nuts that are roasted then ground) because she doesn't like the bitterness of khav.

Shildeg is also an accomplished zheng player as well as an amateur poet. She also has a passion for tradition Oristani artwork and carved goods. She is a patron of the Oristani arts and is a major reason for Oristani art and tradegoods being as well known as they are.

Shildeg openly dislikes dishonesty and deceit. She has no patience for those who like to "put on airs." While she is respected by her people for this, it has caused issues in diplomatic relations with other nations. She is actively annoyed by diplomats who refuse to sit before her as per Oristani custom.

She dislikes open displays of wealth. While she has only the finest of goods, she prefers to display simplicity and instead takes pride in the quality of workmanship in what she does display.

Virtues & Personality perks

Shildeg is unmarried. She is well passed the age when Oristani usually find a mate. She is determined that whoever she will marry will be beneficial to her people at large. As stated before, Shildeg cares most for the welfare of her people and her unwillingness to marry is reflected in this. While she does have consorts, they are for entertainment rather than any political gain or strength. She considers herself to be a faithful monogomist and when she does marry she will devote herself to them with the same vigor she devotes to her people.

Vices & Personality flaws

Shildeg keeps the camel bone cepter of her office next to her throne of pillows and refuses to carry it with her when conducting business unlike her predecessors. She feels that it would be a temptation to misuse her powers and is very superstitious about it. She constantly worrys that her people will be taken advantage of by foreign powers and has worked dilligently to establish Oristan as a major power of Ardu.

She is well aware of the rest of the worlds opinion of Oristan as a bunch of backward desert tribes and has worked very hard to spread Oristani art, handiworks, and poetry to counter that image. While she has fully embraced foreign concepts and customs, she also refuses to allow other cultures to fully intigrate and remove what makes Oristan so great as she sees it.

As a descendant of Orista himself she takes his image very seriously and has always tried to be the sort of ruler he would approve of. She has read every account of Orista, both foreign and Oristani and has tried very hard to be a paragon of Oristani values. While she does desire the Oristani people to embrace the modern age, she strongly believes it must be under their conditions and at their own pace. She will not allow any foreign influence to force change upon her people, under any circumstance. This has caused political friction more than once and she refuses to budge on her beliefs.

Wealth & Financial state

As the Naran Dargra she has access to the full wealth of the Oristani people at large. She has the finest tents, the best camels, the highest quality furniture, etc. While she does have vast resources, she does not enjoy displays of wealth considering it to be a vain false image.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Ruler of Oristan
Late middle age
Appears very strong physically.
Piercing gold
Long black curly hair styled into two large pompoms.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale green, like milky jade.
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Oristani, Kishnagari, Michocano, and Zwergin
Ruled Locations


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