Temee - Camel

The ever present steed and companion of the Oristani people.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

There are two species of camel on Ardu. The first is the common camel, Dromedary Dromedarius, the other is the Oristani camel, Dromedary Oristanii. For all intents and purposes the Oristani camel, or Temee, looks exactly the same as a regular camel, however there is an air of intelligence about the creature. Temee are very intelligent for animals and rumors abound about their level of intelligence.

Additional Information


The Oristani never truely domesticated the Temee, it can best be described as a symbiotic relationship. While the Temee is effectively the basis of Oristani culture and survival would be very difficult without it, the Temee are treated very well as a family member. It is best assumed that any Temee encountered is a wild animal, until proven otherwise.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Temee has two coats, the waterproof outer guard hair and the soft inner coat. The Oristani use the guard hair to felt into outerwear and tent fabric and the inner hair is woven into inner garments, bedding, and premium goods.
Camel milk is very nutitious and figures very heavily in Orstani cuisine. An Oristanii can live on nothing but camel milk for up to a full month. Temee milk is also used to make butter, though it must be soured first, and cheese. The cheese while having a very pungeant flavor, is very light and easy to digest even by the lactose intolerant.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Temee is native to the eastern half of Ardu, roaming freely from the western edge of the Michocan Empire to the central region of Kishnagar.

Average Intelligence

Observations of Temee intelligence can be best described as spooky action at a distance. While appearing to be the sign of a highly organised mind, upon closer inspection is just baffeling.

Civilization and Culture


Temee have been rumored to be an almost fully sentient species for centuries, if not millenia. While the Temee is not actually sapient, it can certainly give the impression most of the time. However it should be noted that almost immediately after conducting a feat of intelligence it will do something so colossolly stupid that it removes any doubt about it being an animal. In Oristani culture, it is believed that the Temee is an ancestor spirit reincarnated as a camel.
Large beast, Unaligned
  • Armor Class: 9
  • Hit Points: 6-24 (2d10+4)
  • Speed: 50ft
    STR: 16 (+3) DEX: 8 (-1) CON: 14 (+2) INT: 10 (+0) WIS: 8 (-1) CHR: 5 (-3)
  • Senses: Passive Perception 9
  • Challenge: 1/8 (25xp)
    Actions: Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft, one traget. Hit: 1d4 (Bludgeon Damage)
    Temee can also spit a thick frothy mucus that smells horrible. No damage, just gross.
    Scientific Name
    Dromedary Oristanii
    60 years
    Average Height
    7' 8" at the hump
    Average Weight
    2,000 lbs
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    Temme range in color from a drab beige to a rich golden brown. However there are two other color variantsthat are very rare; the White Temee, prized for its level of intelligence and the Black Temee, valued for it's speed. Black Temee usually end up as racing camels.
    Related Ethnicities


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