The Great Celestial Emperor

The Great Celestial Emperor is the absolute civic, religious, and military ruler of Chiengzhou


The line of emperors follows a single family line.


The eldest child of the previous Emperor is automatically appointed when the previous Emperor dies. A huge public ceremony is held at the Red Palace and the new emperor is crowned by the Grande Vizier, the Lushi (Highest Priest), and the Jian (Commander of all military forces).


The Red Emperor is the supreme authority over all aspects of Chiengzhou.


The Emporer oversees every aspect of the empire. On the first day of every month the emperor himself oversees and decides on legal disputes. This day is known as "Di Yi Tian" or First Day. This is open to any citizen, regardless of rank or position. Even a destitute homeless person has had the emperor solve a dispute for them.


The emperor is entitled to anything and everything within the empire. Always recieves the highest quality of any goods.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Cermonial Crown - The Sacred Horns Shows dominion over the spirit realm. Associated with governing. Ceremonial Robes - The Heavenly Scales Shows dominion over heaven. Associated with religious influence. Ceremonial Staff - The Spine of the World Shows dominion over the political world. Associated with military might. Ceremonial Shoes - The Adamantium Claws Shows dominion over the physical realm. Associated with all things growing, i.e. plants, animals, etc.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The Emperor is not removed or dismissed. They die, usually of old age.
Religious, Special
Form of Address
His/Her Celestial Greatness
Alternative Naming
The First Dragon, The Red Emporer, The Pearl of Heaven, Most Exhaulted
Source of Authority
The Great Celestial Emperor is supposedly descended from the first dragon.
Length of Term
Lifetime Appointment


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