Arcanist M'dhal
Arcanist M'dhal was put in charge of the largest mines of Chardalyn ever. The mines were of such great importance to the whole of the The Netherese Empire that it was named after M'dhal and henceforth called M'dhal's Mines of Dekanter. M-dhal's position had garnered great interest, and great favors from the many Netherese flying cities.
Arcanist M'dhal invented: M'dhal's Mantle (Modern day Guards and Wards), M'dhal's Missile Shield (Lvl 2 Spell. Upon casting the spell and touching another creature, the caster bestowed a protective shield upon the recipient. This shielding Abjuration protected from damage against all but the most powerful strikes by ranged missile weapons, such as Arrows, Bolts or Stones. It only defended against mundane projectiles. Magical projectiles of any sort bypassed this protection. The amount of damage the spell could absorb before being discharged depended upon the power of the caster. The spell's protection would last for at least 3 hours or longer for more powerful casters.), M'dhal's Dispel Evil / Protection From Evil ( Lvl 1 Spell. The caster had to successfully touch the target in order to confer this protection. The spell manifested in an aura around the body of the recipient that extended out 1 foot. The benefits were threefold and applied to attacks generated by Evil creatures. First, the aura acted like additional physical armor to prevent attacks from succeeding and also magical protection to help resist the effects of spells, items, breath weapons ect. Second, the aura held at bay any attempts at mental control: Charms, compulsions, possession, Magic Jar attacks and Domination of will. Third, the aura prevented the intrusion of non-good Summoned and Extraplanar creatures, which would recoil if they tried to touch the recipient in anyway.), and M'dhal's Dispel Evil 2 / Magic Circle Against Evil (Lvl 3 Spell. This spell conferred the same benefits as Protection From Evil to the creature touched, except the aura extended out to a 10 foot radius sphere around the creature and warded all those within the area of effect. The barrier prevented non-good Summoned creatures from entering unless they managed to resist the spell. If the creature touched was too large to fit completely within the sphere, then the spell acted as a Protection From Evil spell for that creature. The protection lasted for tens of minutes to a few hours, depending on the experience/power of the caster.)
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