The Cerberus poison is created from the blood of a devil, a demon, and a celestial being. This three ingredient combination creates a potentially lethal poison against outsiders and mortals as well. Luckily it is an ingested poison that when metabolized causes long term problems that could be lethal.
DC 17 Constitution saving throw. Failure causes internal bleeding that is painful and crippling. Any creature ingesting the poison and failing will lose 1d4 Constitution points and becomes fatigued within an hour. After 24 hours of that initial internal burn and bleeding the poison Continues to go through the body. Fatigue remains throughout the whole process until purged. The poison lasts 3 more days after this in which the DC goes up by 1 every 24 hours. If failed another 1d4 Constitution damage happens. Once one save is passed or 3 days from the initial saving throw pass the body purges it but the victim remains fatigued for 6 more hours. If the poison runs its course and does not bring Constitution to 0 the victim survives albeit hurt from the ordeal. A victim that reaches a score of 0 on Constitution dies of internal bleeding and organ failure.
Type: Ingested
Item type
Owning Organization
Base Price
750 GP / Dose
Raw materials & Components
Blood of a devil, Blood of a demon, and blood of a celestial